Category: Community News Community News
Published: 01 May 2023 01 May 2023

aldocheerStudents at Parking Lot Entrance. From left to right. Emma Beckworth, Micah Huerta, Keanu Wilson, Savannah Egge, Makayla Jaurequi, Lila Knadler, Dara Werber-Raiter, Asa Wecks, Ivy Stephens-EtheridgeAldo Leopold Charter School’s (ALCS) Community Orientation (CO) class volunteered Friday at the Tour of the Gila Individual Time Trial. Racers biked 16.15 miles (26km) and climbed 1,000 feet in the town of Tyrone. The CO class includes 27 freshmen and students new to ALCS. They wore white Tour of the Gila staff T-shirts and safety vests. CO students stretched and talked about goals for the day.

While one group of students helped state police officers direct traffic, another group waved flags and cheered the bikers on as they warmed up and began racing. Racers left at thirty-second intervals beginning at 9:15. Bikers from all over the world participated, including at least two from Uzbekistan. They were probably the farthest from home.

Event organizers generously provided lunch for all the volunteers, including sandwiches, cookies, soda, banana bread, and pasta salad. Two Aldo students, Ethan Hemphill, and Zev Rivers, competed in the event, and both did very well.

Two observers said several drivers were booing and flipping off state police officers before students arrived. They commented that the students’ dancing and cheering helped lighten the atmosphere and improved overall event morale.

Students returned to the school around 2:30. They unloaded water coolers, swept the bus, and reflected on the day. Ninth grader, Samera Castillo, said, “We’d cheer the bikers on, and they’d smile, and they actually seemed encouraged. I knew we were doing something. And I guess it just felt good to make other people feel good.”