Category: Local Events Local Events
Published: 19 February 2023 19 February 2023

This year, the local branch of AAUW (American Association of University Women), which has sponsored EYH for the past 30 years, has developed a new program called Southwest New Mexico STEM Roadshow to replace EYH and better address regional STEM-education needs. Other AAUW branches throughout the US have generally charged a fee to participate in EYH; however, the Silver City-SW NM branch has always presented EYH free of charge to participating students, and the STEM Roadshow will continue that free-of-charge tradition.

STEM Roadshow is specifically for 5th grade girls. There will be multiple STEM Roadshow events throughout the region, with the first event taking place in Silver City on February 25 on the WNMU campus. Similar to EYH, there will be hands-on science, tech, engineering, and math workshops; mentoring by women professionals and college students; and a take-home "goodie bag" with additional information and activities.

Questions? Please call 575-490-1041 or email