Category: Infectious Diseases Infectious Diseases
Published: 12 February 2022 12 February 2022

Executive summary: BETTER; in other words Silver City, Bayard, Hurley, Grant County, as well as NM, AZ, CO, TX, and the USA all showed improvement in daily cases, positivity, and hospital utilization. There are three flies in the ointment. First, the Omicron sub variant BA.2 may cause cases to rise, as may other variants. Second, Silver City's decline of case rates is gentler than might be desired, and three days this week doubling times were flirting with doubling. Third, the CDC positivity for both New Mexico and Grant County were very much higher than positivity derived from NM DOH data; Johns Hopkins positivity is close to positivity derived from NM DOH so why the CDC figure is so much higher needs more research. The Silver City daily case doubling times are new, and so is a technical article on why DAILY as well as WEEKLY case counts are important and can at times disagree, as well as why.

Please see PDF report below: