Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 11 March 2020 11 March 2020

Claire Chase, one of the Republican candidates running for Congressional District 2 (Steve Pearces’ former district) will be speaking at the Grant County Federated Republican Women’s luncheon on March 16 at the Silver City Bowling Center, 2020 Memory Lane, beginning at 11:30. Food is available at the concession stand.

Attack ads mailed out by Yvette Herrell’s campaign quoted Chase making derogatory comments about Donald Trump before the 2016 election. When asked why she has changed her mind about the President this is what Chase replied:

“I am willing to say something career politicians will never say: I was wrong about President Trump during the 2016 primary. However, I supported him as soon as he became the nominee. President Trump is the first politician I can remember who actually did what they said they were going to do. He's doing an incredible job, and I look forward to working with him to advance policies that are good for New Mexico.”

When asked why she decided to run, Chase replied:
“I'm running because I want my children - and your children - to be able to call New Mexico home when they grow old. That future will be impossible if D.C. socialists get their way because policies like the Green New Deal and the fracking ban will bankrupt our state. Unfortunately, we don't have a voice in Washington right now because we nominated a flawed candidate in 2018 who couldn't quite get across the finish line. I'm running to make sure that doesn't happen again.”

What’s the first thing she’d try to do in Washington if she gets elected?

“I have three major priorities. First, I want to work with President Trump to secure our border and build the wall. Second, I will fight to protect our conservative, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment values. Finally, I'll advocate for pro-growth policies to help keep the Trump economy strong in New Mexico.”

Chase will be appearing earlier that morning at the Duck Creek Café, 8414 U.S. Highway 180, in Cliff from 9:30 to 10:45.

Claire Chase became the youngest and first female Chair of the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association. Oil and gas is responsible for over 100,000 New Mexico jobs. This industry, alone, covers the cost of one-third of the state’s spending for schools, health care, and public safety. For more information visit Chase’s website: