Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 05 January 2016 05 January 2016

Friday, Jan. 1

Domestic disturbance
North Hurley Road
Caller advised that a named male just punched her in the face, left in a red Dodge Intrepid, and took her 2-year-old niece with him. Deputy requested EMS for a 28-year-old female whose nose is bleeding/lights and siren.

Summit Road
Occurred sometime last night. Deputy had contact with a runaway male.

Fairway Drive
Caller advised that subjects that were with caller’s son called to threaten caller’s wife.

Saturday, Jan. 2

Missing persons
Royal John Mine
Caller advised that two females are coming up from the forest boundary on foot and are supposed to be picked up between 4:30 and 5. Advised that they have a 6-week-old and a 6-month-old with them. Advised that one has a cell phone however they have not had contact. Advised that they have a pistol and bags with baby stuff.

Welfare check
Coleman Drive – 9 p.m.
Caller advised that they have not been able to contact a friend for three days and they normally keep in touch daily. Deputy advised residence is locked up.

Welfare check
Coleman Drive – 11 p.m.
Deputy spoke with caller and he was relieved to know deputy was able to leave a voicemail as he could only get a busy signal.

Sunday, Jan. 3

Loud party
Mobile Drive
Deputy advised negative on signs of alcohol, but partiers agreed to shut the party down.

Welfare check
Highway 211 – MM 3
Caller advised that he received a call from a friend about a female walking on the side of the highway in the middle of nowhere carrying a baby and when the friend stopped to ask her if she needed help she refused. Deputy had negative contact.

Domestic disturbance
Casa Loma Road – Sunrise Estates
Caller advised that she and a named male were having a big verbal fight and she just needs him to leave for the evening. Deputy advised that the male left prior to arrival.

Breaking and entering
Truck Bypass
Caller advised that someone was in her home while she was gone.

Basalt Drive
Caller advised that their 26-year-old son is causing problems. Deputy advised units will be clear/everything is OK. Son was hearing noises from cable box giving him bad thoughts.