Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 20 February 2017 20 February 2017

Friday, Feb. 17

Suspicious vehicle
Highway 356 - MM 4.5
Deputy advised vehicle is okay/it has been parked here for a while now.

Domestic disturbance
Rio de Arenas Road
Caller advised that a male driver was attacking a female driver/he fell off of the vehicle and she ran him over. Deputy made contact with both parties and advised they are separated.

Arenas Valley Road
Deputy advised clear from residence/en route to another residence to issue CTW/indefinite CTW issued to a named male for location.

Lizard Lane - Lower Mimbres
Caller advised a big screen TV and a boom box radio/door left open. Deputy on scene.

Unwanted subject
Mobile Drive
RV and dark blue station wagon/female in dark jacket/male in leather jacket/both in RV in the empty lot at the end of Mobile.

Mano Lane - San Lorenzo
No report.

Escobedo Lane - Arenas Valley
Caller from GRMC advised that her son is being harassed on Facebook by an ex-girlfriend. GCSD was advised that SCPD is handling the case.

Suspicious vehicle
Rosewood Circle
Vehicle drives down Rosewood Circle and stops and takes pictures once a week for the last month/white Chevy pickup that looks like a work truck. Deputy set up frequent patrol for next month.

Suspicious vehicle
Highway 356 near Manhattan Bar
Deputy advised will be making contact at MM 4.

Saturday, Feb. 18

Welfare check
Jasper Drive
87-year-old female/negative response on a two-way pendant, Deputy requested ambulance for the female that fell/she would like her blood checked/EMS checked her out.

Cottage San Road
Caller advised that her niece showed up crying and advising that two known adults, a male and a female, were threatening her about 15-20 minutes ago.

Welfare check
Highway 180 - MM 138 (about three miles north of Highway 61 junction)
Caller advised that someone with a camping trailer on the side of the highway was trying to flag other drivers down/caller was too afraid to stop. Deputy made contact at about MM 132.

Bataan Memorial Park
Caller could not provide any other info except it was a big fight. Deputy made contact at park advising talking to both parties/going to do a walk through/negative contact with a fight/everything is okay.

Sunday, Feb. 19

Bornite Street - Tyrone
7-year-old caller advised that she is in the ditch and was yelled at by an 11-year-old girl who thought caller was on her property. Caller is wearing a pink jacket and doesn't really know where she is. Deputy advised in the area ATL/out at a Bornite Street address.