Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 12 November 2017 12 November 2017

Sandhill Crane ArtJuly 16, Sunday, 1:30-4:30

upstairs at Leyba & Ingalls

A fun afternoon to paint, socialize,and enjoy refreshment

Painting with a Splash

The painting party includes step-by-step instructions to create your very own masterpiece painting in a very entertaining, relaxing, and fun atmosphere. Treats and sweets are included to give you energy and courage for the artistic adventure.

Uncork your artistic abilities and bring home your unique artistry on yupo paper (a non-porous surface, Yupo paper is a synthetic water-resistant paper.).

Using Yupo paper and bottled Splash Ink acrylic as a painting tool along with brushes, wiping cloths and serrated scrapers - we will develop and create a "Sand-hill Crane Fluttering in the Bosque del Apache, New Mexico."

Painting materials are separate. The "SPLASH" paint is $31.45
Other materials and refreshments are covered in the cost of $35.00

Must Pre-Register!

A deposit of ½ will hold your space, payable to Leyba & Ingalls ARTS.