Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 30 September 2019 30 September 2019

Friday, Sept. 27

Weapons fired
North Hurley Road
Deputy out with a male and his grandson who were shooting a pellet gun but did not hear a .22 caliber gun go off.

Welfare check
Scott Field
Male sitting in a gray Dodge seems highly intoxicated. Deputy went traffic with this vehicle.

Welfare check
Mahogany Drive
Male has gash on head and seemed confused and intoxicated. Deputy had contact with subjects on J Heart Ranch who advised they hadn’t seen anybody/negative contact with male.

Saturday, Sept. 28

Reckless driver
11821 Highway 180
Caller stated a man is driving dangerously on Highway 180 and is parked on the side of the road in front of the RDA Snappy. Worker at the RDA Snappy called saying the man had come inside and was highly intoxicated and he urinated (on) himself and could barely stand/he is now sitting in his vehicle. Deputy with one male in unit.

Welfare check
Highway 180 – MM 109 (1 mile west of Truck Bypass junction)
A red Chevy Avalanche pulling a white box trailer is riding on the rim headed east. Deputy had contact with vehicle pulled over/he didn’t have room before/he is changing the flat.

Domestic disturbance
Racetrack and Seven Sons roads – Arenas Valley
Male arguing with mother/ Deputy had contact advising both parties advised it was all verbal/everything is okay.

Mesa Road – Cliff
Advised that a vehicle with two males and two females and one child with groceries were in the driveway. One of the males advised he would pull out a weapon from the vehicle but never brandished one at the female.

Breaking and entering
North Hurley Road
Caller stated she was supposed to get this property and that her uncle removed her from the property and changed the locks/she has been trying to get her property back/the residence has been broken into/the door frame looks like it has been tampered with/wants to file a report for burglary.

Santa Clara shelter
Male has his blue pit bull running around/he threatened to shoot caller if she did something to his dog. Caller told him if you continue to allow it to run loose she will call LE and if they have to shoot it they will/male then told caller if they do that I’ll shoot you. Male is sitting down at the corner of Oak/Bayard streets.

Sunday, Sept. 29

Welfare check
Brushy Mountain Road – Mule Creek
Male suicidal was arguing with his wife over messages on his phone and was having job problems. Male said he always has weapons but when asked what type said it was none of my business.

Unattended death
Tabor Drive
92-year-old female found dead. Caller said female is cold/stiff found next to bed. Deputy advised OMI contacted and will be en route.

Welfare check
Pinon Lane – Grant County
Caller hasn’t spoken to 13-year-old daughter in a week/she lives with mom and grandparents. Deputy out at address but no one is answering the door/negative contact.

Suspicious vehicle
Highway 180 – MM 106-107 (halfway between Mangas Terrace and Truck Bypass junction)
Deputy had contact advising van is broke down/radiator is broken/vehicle will be parked there until Tuesday and property owner is aware.

Suspicious vehicle
Broken Arrow and Railroad drives
Deputy advised vehicle is locked and secure/no one around it/made contact with registered owner who advised she was on her way to pick up the car.

Welfare check
Crum and Racetrack roads – Arenas Valley
Caller advised a maroon vehicle seems to have wrecked into a fence and the male and female are now parked on the side of the dirt road. Deputy advised out with a maroon vehicle/one subject has an outstanding warrant out of Judge Laney’s court in the amount of $161 cash only.

Highway 78 – MM 7
Caller advised a truck had a blowout and wrecked/it is not a traffic hazard/two miles before Mule (Creek) post office. Driver is a 34-year-old male complaining of head and back injuries. Per GEMS have Native Air standby at base.

Suspicious vehicle
Arenas Valley Road
Deputy had contact with owner of the blue 2000 Chevy pickup who stated he broke down and would have the vehicle moved tomorrow/it was not in the roadway.