Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 26 October 2020 26 October 2020

[Editor's Note: The SCPD thought they sent it last week. They apologized for not doing so!]

Monday, Oct. 19

Virginia Street
Caller advised she wants a male out of the house/he attacked her and her children/she shot him with a 9 mm handgun. Dispatch advised caller to put the weapon away. Second caller advised 3 shots. Third caller advised she can hear a lot of yelling coming from Virginia and State streets.

Welfare check
1810 N. Swan Street
Male is slumped in a white vehicle in front of the doorway. Deputy advised male refused to ID but he is fine.

3025 E. Highway 180
Officer advised to put out an ATL for the male.

Welfare check
Little Walnut Road
Caller advised they can hear someone screaming and what sounds like someone getting ‘beaten’ and doors being slammed. Officer advised out near caller’s house.

Stolen motor vehicle
N. Arizona Street
Caller advised her 2008 silver Toyota 4Runner has been stolen/it was there when she took her children to school and when her husband came home at noon it was gone.

Suspicious vehicle
S. Gold Street
Caller advised his parents own the lot and it’s supposed to be empty/neighbor advised a camping trailer is on the lot. Officer had negative contact with anyone in the trailer/will frequent patrol evenings/graveyard for a week.

Mississippi Street
Stolen bike/caller last saw it a few weeks ago/purple with a yellow seat.



Welfare check
2501 E. Highway 180
Baby left in a vehicle/red Dodge Caravan/parents just showed up. Officer advised vehicle left prior to arrival.

Unwanted subject
1506 N. Silver Street
Homeless male in front of the store has been asked several times to leave and he has not/he already has a CTW. Officers out with Britton Scott/he has a CTW issued in May of 2020/Britton was issued a facemask and a verbal warning for not wearing one/he has three warrants including FTA in Laney’s court, bond to be set, and criminal damage out of Grijalva’s court, bond to be set.

Counterfeit money
123 W. 12th Street
No report.

W. 13th Street
Caller advised that a named male keeps passing by his house and calling him names. Caller was advised officers are busy with a high priority call and one would respond as soon as one becomes available.

123 W. 12th Street
Female was asking different customers for money. Officer ID’d her as Jessica Bunyar/she left prior to arrival/will file a warrant for her arrest for CTW violation.

Domestic disturbance
Raven Drive
Caller advised neighbors are yelling at each other/one female yelling get out. Officer requested officer assist/see if county can assist. Deputy advised all verbal/male left to a friend’s house.

Welfare check
N. Silver Street
Caller advised that a named male neighbor is always outside on the porch and they haven’t seen him today. Officer made contact with male advising he is okay.




Weapons fired
Virginia Street
Caller advised heard four shots. Second caller heard 7 or 8 shots/it’s in the area of the Virginia Street Park. Officer advised there was fireworks being set off in that area.

Welfare check
E. Highway 180 and Mountain View Road
A male is walking in the middle of the roadway and the cars are swerving. Officer had negative contact with any person.

1 Ridge Road and S. Highway 90
Caller from GRMC ER advised that a 22-year-old patient was assaulted somewhere on Ridge Road/patient was brought in by privately owned vehicle. Officer requested county assist as assault happened on Pheasant Drive.

Tuesday, Oct. 20

Request officer
Tracy Circle
Caller advised his house has people in it that are threatening him/also advised he has an AR rifle. Officer advised units clear/everything is okay.

No location given
No report.

Stolen motor vehicle
2005 E. Highway 180
Caller advised that someone just stole his Coors semi. Officers advised subject in the vehicle is Jonathan/Silver Heights and Highway 180/S. on Hudson at this time/semi is running red lights/Hudson and 12th.

1075 E. HIghway 180
Employee called advising a named female is trying to hit customers/she is a former employee/she may be intoxicated or on some kind of narcotic.




Welfare check
Virginia Street
Caller advised that a named female has not been answering her phone/advised she was supposed to meet her over an hour ago/she may have hurt herself/caller advised to cancel welcheck/female found her phone and is en route.

Welfare check
1040 E. Highway 180
Officer in reference to a citizen assist out with a trailer behind the Motel 6.

N. Gold Street
Caller advised that a male came into her house and sprayed her eyes with Mace. Advised it is actually going to be a named female. Caller is refusing medical attention advising her eyes are just burning.

Domestic disturbance
Ben Altamirano Sports Complex
Caller advised that at the 32nd stop sign a female was attempting to exit the vehicle and the male was not allowing her to do so/it looked like the male was hitting the female. Officer made contact with vehicle at the fields.

Domestic disturbance
N. Silver Street
A named female is at the house and she isn’t supposed to be/she is causing problems/she is now outside getting into his car/caller doesn’t know where the keys are.

Welfare check
Harrison Schmidt School
Caller advised that her mother received a call and a person said they had her grandkids held hostage/she went up there to check on them and they are okay. Officer advised will be clear/everything is okay.

Dog bite
Valle Drive
Caller advised his 12-year-old son was just attacked by the neighbor’s pitbull/mom is en route to GRMC with son/dog is in the owner’s yard now. Officer advised clear from ER/en route to a Valle Street address/contact with owners/en route to animal shelter.

S. Texas Street
Caller advised that a named male just came by and threw a note at caller indicating he is watching her and walked away. Officer advised clear from scene/ATL in area.

Injuring/tampering with motor vehicle
2711 Leslie Road
Four kids breaking the windshield on a white 4dr vehicle in the parking lot. Officer advised unable to find a readable VIN.

Welfare check
206 N. Hudson Street
Caller advised a female in a pink shirt and gray shorts is crawling on the floor/caller believes she is intoxicated. Officer made contact with Marisela Perry who was highly intoxicated and lying face down on the southeast corner of the Hudson Street Snappy Mart parking lot/requested ambulance for a 20 to 30-year-old female who is highly intoxicated.

Hudson Chevron
No report.

Welfare check
Market and E streets
Caller advised that a named female is walking on Market Street toward the college/she is paranoid. Officers had negative contact.

Ridge Road Chevron
No report.

3060 E. Highway 180
Caller is reporting harassment from unknown subjects.

No report.

Unwanted subject
2080 Memory Lane
Caller advised that a named male is at her residence and she wants him gone/he is intoxicated and saying he wants his belongings but he has nothing there. Could hear male banging on the door in the background. Officer was advised.

123 W. 12th Street
No report.

Wednesday, Oct. 21

N. Pinos Altos Street
No narrative.

Suicide threat
1810 N. Swan Street
No narrative.

Stolen motor vehicle
2080 Memory Lane
Caller called state police advising her vehicle had been stolen but did not give a lot of information regarding the vehicle but did state it is possibly gang-related. SCPD officer advised clear/advising she doesn’t want make a report with Silver City PD/wants NMSP to handle report. NMSP dispatch advised that the sergeant on duty advised they will not be doing a report for Ms. Kenny/advising that she is only cop shopping and that she can file the report with SCPD if she needs a report.

Skate Park – 8:27 a.m.
Advised there is “BLM” all over the place.

Domestic disturbance
1600 16th Street
Caller advised the tenant in the apartment is fighting with her boyfriend/you can hear them banging and yelling/they usually fight but this one is pretty bad. Officer made contact and confirmed that Nathan Baker was issued an indefinite CTW on June 24, 2020. 

3025 E. Highway 180
Caller advised that a named male is causing problems for employees/he is outside in the parking lot at this time. Officer clear from call/male left prior to arrival/advised caller wants Plummer Erickson issued a CTW for Ace Hardware.

Stolen motor vehicle
15th Street
Caller advised they just took off with his friend’s 2000 Nissan Xterra right now northbound.

2080 Memory Lane
Caller advised her neighbor has been hitting her car with things and yelling at caller for her dogs/was very aggressive with caller this morning.

Welfare check
N. Swan Street
Caller advised the home is vacant and possibly occupied by someone. Officer had negative contact with anyone.

Bard Street
Advised that her daughter broke the window to her house and left/she is in her 30s/she broke the window with her hand when caller asked her to leave. Caller advised she was bleeding from the leg and when asked if she wanted an ambulance she refused two times.

Silver City
No report.

S. Pinos Altos Street
Caller advised their house was broken into last night and several items are missing: two guitars, a bicycle, and a few drawers full of items/they are in the process of moving out. Officers were advised.

COVID 19 (3)
2501 E. Highway 180, 1956 E. Highway 180, 1810 N. Swan Street
No reports.

Domestic disturbance
N. Silver Street
Caller advised that his female ex is at the residence causing problems/she keeps yelling at caller/she is now outside sitting down. Officer has one in custody en route to station.

Unwanted subject
1220 N. Hudson Street
Caller advised a customer threw items at the cashier when they refused to sell him alcohol/he is highly intoxicated and is getting ready to leave in a blue SUV-type vehicle. Officer went traffic with vehicle at 16th and Hudson streets/two occupants.

Welfare check
Virginia Street Park
Advised they are playing volleyball/no masks/was told to call every time it happens. Officer advised that everyone was wearing a mask/now out at Botanical Garden/made contact with two females and informed them that they . . .

Welfare check
W. Market Street
Negative contact.

Unwanted subject
Grant Street
Caller advised “he” does not want him there and he wants to get his belongings from the house/caller sounds intoxicated/other male is his cousin/does not know his last name. Officer advised one male was asked to leave and everything is okay.

Unwanted subject
2545 N. Silver Street
Caller advised that her ex just walked into her house and will not leave/she does not want him there/they are not together. Officer issued Zachariah Birnbaum an indefinite CTW.

2501 E. Highway 180
No report.

Skate Park – 8:06 p.m.
Caller advised her daughter was at the Skate Park and found graffiti “F. the police” and “Black Lives Matter.” Officer advised he will get together with another officer in the morning.

N. Swan and E. 7th streets
Caller advised she is still getting harassed and battered. Officer spoke with caller who said the named male is always bothering her. Officer advised was attempting to inform caller that she will be . . .

Unwanted subject
2005 E. Highway 180
Advised that a male is threatening a worker. Officer made contact with the male.

COVID 19 (3)
610 Silver Heights Blvd., 100 N. Rosedale Road, 1330 E. 32nd Street
No reports.

Thursday, Oct. 22

COVID 19 (3)
2501 E. Highway 180, 3025 E. Highway 180, 1956 E. Highway 180
No reports.

Welfare check
1075 E. Highway 180
Advised black Ford in parking lot with engine running and man appears to be passed out or sleeping. Officer had contact with a female in the black 4dr car/she is okay.

1220 N. Hudson Street
Caller advised that a named male stole something and ran out the door Easton 13th Street and across the foot bridge. Officer advised checking Anthony Alcorta for CTWs for W&N Enterprises/made contact with Alcorta in front . . .

2501 E. Highway 180
A named male is inside the store/he has a small hand basket that he has shopping bags in and he is concealing items inside the bags. A named male called back advising to cancel the call/the male paid for everything inside the bags.

Reckless driver
3200 E. Highway 180
Advised three vehicles with Texas license plates racing down Highway 180 westbound/advised they are covered in sponsorship stickers. Officer advised contact with the Porsche but negative on the others/advised the driver why I was speaking to . . .

W. Highway 180 and Little Walnut Road
Caller advised they stole his political sign.

No report.

Unwanted subject
SPIN house – 1307 N. Swan Street
Advised that a named male is there and he is not supposed to be/he did leave the property/caller wants him issued a CTW. Officer ATL with negative contact. Caller stated everytime the male arrives . . .

Mountain View Road and E. 10th Street
White Challenger was chasing another vehicle/someone crashed and airbags may have deployed/the subjects were shooting at each other. Deputy confirmed weapons fired. Officers advised entire intersection is closed off.

Gough Park
Caller advised that two named males are arguing by the basketball courts. Officer advised verbal argument/units will be clear.

Gough Park
Advised a male is stopping cars and flipping drivers off.

Criminal sexual penetration
E. 14th Street
Caller reported an issue that occurred with her 10-year-old granddaughter and her biological father.

Accident-property damage
E. Highway 180 and Pinos Altos Road
Caller advised the vehicle behind her just rammed her at the light/she’s puiled off to the side of the road/he headed toward Walmart.

Domestic disturbance
W. Highway 180 and Georgia Street
Caller advised a man and woman are fighting. Second caller advised there was a male and a female and there are groceries all over the roadway/the male grabbed the female.

Criminal trespass warning
2501 E. Highway 180
A named male is in the store. Officer issued Hector Martinez an indefinite CTW for Walmart/he left the property upon request.

Stolen motor vehicle
Garcia Street
Caller advised that her 2014 Honda car was taken by a named female to Las Cruces or Ruidoso.

Domestic disturbance
Little Walnut Road
Caller can hear her neighbors fighting really bad outside/can hear neighbors yelling and fighting/can hear kids crying/they fight all night long. Officer has contact with a named male and a named female/they stated nothing physical, just arguing.

1414 Little Walnut Road
Caller advised a female is outside crying and arguing with a male/nothing physical.

Unwanted subject
1313 E. 32nd Street
Patient is refusing to leave. Officer advised one in unit en route to 31st Street.

Unwanted subject
3420 E. Highway 180
Advised that a named male was on the property and he is not supposed to be/he left on a black Harley-Davidson. Officer advised will ATL.