Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 19 February 2021 19 February 2021

Monday, Feb. 15

Welfare check
Rosedale and Cove roads
Female called advising she slid off the roadway/when asked if she was injured she advised negative she was just stuck/when asked if she needed a tow truck she advised she would call back and disconnected. Deputy made contact advising female was having trouble getting up the hill/advised she is turning around and going home/the road department is out here at this time trying to get the road cleared up.

Welfare check
Cottonwood Road
Caller advised her son just called advising that a female who has been living with him was involved in some sort of domestic with her boyfriend. Son advised the male had taken a gun from the female. Dispatch attempted contact x 2 but line is coming back busy. Deputy advised will be on foot due to snow/having negative contact/no one is coming to . . .

Welfare check
S. Bear Creek Road – Pinos Altos
A 79-year-old female possibly doesn't have utilities according to GRMC Discharge Planning/she is married but husband is currently at GRMC. Deputy advised will be clear/female does have all utilities/will contact caller.

Welfare check
Nun View Road – Arenas Valley
Caller advised she has been trying to contact her daughter since Friday and has been unable to get a hold of her. Deputy advised everything is okay/daughter had phone off and was advised to call her mother.

Alamo Street – Arenas Valley
Caller advised two named males stole firewood from his house/they took almost a full cord of dry juniper.

Welfare check
Chamisa Drive – Lower Mimbres
Deputy advised he did make contact with the mom and child and will be calling caller.

Welfare check
Main Street – Hurley
Could hear female crying and did not answer any questions and disconnected. Hurley PD officer advised everything is okay and will pass along info to GCSO units.

Tuesday, Feb. 16

Suspicious vehicle
Highway 180 – MM 109 (1 mile west of Truck Bypass junction)
Vehicle is missing tires and is off the side of the roadway. Deputy advised driver's window is down and key is in the ignition/will be clear.

Domestic disturbance
Cottonwood Road
Caller advised he was just in an argument with his son/they are now in separate bedrooms/verbal only. Deputy advised the 38-year-old son left prior to arrival advising he was going to cool off/made contact with caller/everything is okay.

Welfare check
Signal Peak
Caller advised he was at the top of Signal Peak a few hours ago and near the summit a white Subaru with Washington plates appeared to be stuck in the snow/they saw footprints headed downhill but did not encounter anyone. Deputy attempted to call caller but had negative contact/left voicemail.

Cobre Street – Vanadium
Caller advised subjects are intercepting her phone line at her house/they have a security interception device and they are stopping her from working. Deputy was advised.

Wednesday, Feb. 17

Table Butte Road -- Cliff
Caller advised it occurred on her credit card. Deputy was advised.

Welfare check
Chalcopyrite Court – Tyrone
An elderly male neighbor has his trunk open/caller advised neighbor hasn't been seen in three days/caller has gone by and no answer at the door. Deputy made contact with the male/he stated he was okay just hasn't been out because of the weather.

Unattended death
Highway 146 – MM 3 (3 miles north of Hachita) Highway 146 goes from Hachita north to Separ on I-10.
Caller advised body is one-half mile north of MM 3/deceased is a female/advisedthat Border Patrol has been tracking a group and came across this deceased. OMI2 advising just got to Highways 180 and 61/will be going the Highway 180 route. Deputy advised ETA is 15 minutes/call Border Patrol and advise they are at the vehicle and they need an ATV . . .

Welfare check
Elguea Street – Hurley
Deputy out with other units.

Criminal damage to property
Lookout Point
Caller advised damage was done to the observation point at MM 7 on Highway 152/ a fence was damaged. Deputy made contact with two employees working security for the mine.

Criminal trespass warning
Burnham Street – Arenas Valley
Caller is having problems with a male tenant/a named female keeps going to the house and the male was already told she couldn't be there and wants the female issued a CTW/she is there now/she is not causing any problems. Deputy ATL the female in the area/advised she left walking/ATL to Santa Clara and back to Silver with negative contact.

Thursday, Feb. 18

Johnson Road – Sunrise Estates
Caller advised her mail was stolen last night/son saw a car stopped and opened the mailbox and took the mail.

Highway 180 and Peterson Drive
White vehicle/advised both people are out of the car/unknown if injured/caller could not provide any more information. Deputies advised negative injuries at this time/vehicle is in the ditch/18-year-old female alert and breathing with neck pain. Rear damage and front windshield broke in ditch/owner request tow truck.

Welfare check
Grand Mesa Drive
Caller advised she heard her named male neighbor yell he was going to kill himself. Did have contact/negative on suicidal ideations.

Artcher Road
Caller advised two females are fighting in the middle of the roadway/ATL for black 2dr sedan/female driver white with blond hair/if contact is made stop and hold for GCSO ref a fight/other female left prior to arrival.