Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 31 October 2023 31 October 2023

We are excited to announce the inaugural Art Show of Grant County Community Foundation and the Silver City Art Association, where three local artists will be highlighted: Myron Weckwerth, Jeff Haynie, and Zoe Wolfe. The show is being curated by Diana Ingalls. These works will hang for 6 months and be followed by another show highlighting three more local artists.

Everyone is invited to join us for refreshments and visual stimulation at the opening of the Art Show in the GCCF offices at 1106 N Pope Street in Silver City (opposite HMS--the old Shamrock Station) on Thursday, November 16th from 4:00 to 7:00 pm.

Myron Weckwerth is a local artist originally from South Dakota. "I have been making art my whole life," Weckwerth said. "I started using oil colors when I was in the 8th grade and I was selling paintings when I was in high school." Weckwerth taught in the public school system for 38 years--mainly math, with some art classes thrown in--but now spends most of his time working on oil paintings, decorating has own-grown gourds with oil paints, and making Southwest ornament, particularly those using Mimbres designs.

Jeff Haynie has been a professional artist, illustrator and teacher for over 40 years. "This wild journey has taken me from the Deep South of Louisiana to the entertainment industry on the west coast," he said, "and finally back home to the Southwest." He has worked as a commercial illustrator in such prestigious industries as the computer game industry and for Dreamworks win LA. He moved to Silver City in 2019, where he spends all his time painting images of his magical world. "My work developed from strong influences of Art Nouveau, Classical Realism, and a well developed sense of childlike Haynie wonder." His work has been published by Disney, Pixar, Warner Brothers, DreamWorks and others, and his art is represented by Santisima Gallery in Old Town, Albuquerque.

Working predominantly in clay, Zoe Wolfe's art is provocative and uniquely crafted. Ranging in scale from intimate to installation, forms are sensual and surfaces are rich. Her art has been exhibited in numerous exhibitions and is represented in permanent collections, including the new wing at WNMU. She is involved with the Clay Festival, the Empty Bowls Fundraiser, the Youth Mural Program, and the Gila River Festival. An appreciate local landmark is her river mural at the corner of Cooper and Market Streets. She has just returned from Nepal, where she was hosted as the U.S. representative in the international artist cultural exchange, Mundum 2023.

“We are very excited about this new venture, and love how the art looks in our space,” said Bernadette Smyth, Executive Director of the Grant County Community Foundation. “A percentage from sales of these art pieces will go to the Community Foundation to support our good work in the community.”