Category: Chamber Corner Chamber Corner
Published: 24 February 2021 24 February 2021

I'm sure many of you reading this article don't have a side hustle. I'm also sure many of you don't think you need to have one. A side hustle isn't for everyone! You may be totally content with the career field you have chosen for yourself and, therefore, you don't need to consider a side hustle. If you have had a long career and are at the doorstep of retirement you may be wondering what you plan to do in that phase of your life. If you have reached retirement age but you are still too young to permanently park yourself in your rocker you may want to consider a second career.

I usually target business owners in my weekly article because, as the Chamber of Commerce in Grant County, we are always looking for ways to help our existing business owners here. I have found that, in life, there are three aspects of your life that must be working harmoniously together in order to have a good quality of life. The three aspects which you want to keep an eye on at all times are your work life, your personal life and your spiritual life. When these three parts of your life are working well together, you are in congruity and living your life in the "sweet spot!" The sweet spot is the point at which these three aspects of your life intersect. In everyday terms we call this work/life balance. But I digress.

I want to share a few ideas with you as to why having a side hustle is a good thing to do right now. A side hustle is like a hobby that makes money for you. It doesn't have to make outrageous amounts of money, but it should make money nonetheless. I've known lots of people who have side hustles because it gives them something to do or gives them something to think about. In other words, it keeps their mind occupied.

According to, a financial and personal development blog, a side hustle can "help you find more purpose, profits and passion" in your life. A side hustle can enhance the freedom you are feeling in one, or all, of the three congruity aspects I referred to above. A side hustle that is thriving can help increase your bank account, which could ease the pressures on your home life and give you the freedom to spend time pursuing the things in life that uplift your soul!

According to it's easier than ever, to start a side hustle and starting one usually gives you more purpose in your life. In many cases people who start side hustles find that they start making more money from their chosen hustle and, often, it turns into their main hustle. A "low pressure" lifestyle is nothing to scoff at! A side hustle sometimes "provides you the ability to build things the right way while not having the immediate pressure to produce within your business, because you've still got the safety net of your full-time job."

This week my impact deck asks us a "truth bomb" type of question and forces us to look within ourselves and identify one of our own personal fears. Reluctance to move forward with ideas or certain initiatives is usually due to a deep-seated fear. Fear of success? Fear of Failure? Many of us are fearful of facing our own fears and that is what keeps us from taking risks and pushing us out of our own comfort zone. Starting a side hustle forces us to put parts of ourselves "out there" and becoming expressive to others. What parts of yourself are you too afraid to express and share?

As I already said, side hustles aren't for everyone. You may be in a congruous state right now and a side hustle would only disrupt your personal harmony. If that's the case, then you are my hero! When I grow up, I want to be you. But if you are thinking about a side hustle but not really sure what to do then come see me at the Silver City Grant County Chamber of Commerce. We can brainstorm ideas and I can help you refine your ideas. That's what we do, and we love doing it. We help you take your side hustle from concept to main street. We also have a wide network of available resources and people who can help you make your side hustle thrive. All you have to do is reach out to us. When you come in to meet with me it helps to stir my soul. I love brainstorming with business owners!

Come by anytime and see me at the chamber. The first cup of coffee is on me!