Category: Chamber Corner Chamber Corner
Published: 23 August 2023 23 August 2023

We've all heard the old chestnut "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." It's a fine sentiment; finding the positive in any situation is generally good practice. But if we look closely, we'll find a much deeper meaning in those words, one that we tend to gloss over. Perhaps it's just easier to shake our heads and wish for something a little more original. Or it could be that the truth rooted in the old saying might make us a little uncomfortable. It demands a little more effort and doesn't come with a guarantee of reward. Yet, in its own wonderfully subtle fashion, that tired old cliché becomes a fresh new recipe for success.

Think about it. If life is handing you lemons, it means you're sitting there with your hands out, waiting for life to drop something into them. Busy hands can't be bothered to accept lemons, or anything else. That means that if life is handing you lemons, life isn't the problem-you are. It means that you aren't actively engaged in the kind of endeavors that will enable you to procure the fruit of your choice. If you wait for life to give you something, you'll have to be content with whatever that is. Truthfully, if life is handing you lemons, you're probably doing all right. They're rich in vitamin C, and best enjoyed on salmon or in a delicious beverage on a hot summer afternoon. Considering the many things that life hands out, lemons aren't anywhere near the bottom of the list.

But why just sit there waiting? If you're tired of passively accepting life's lemons, and you yearn for a little more control over what life has in store, what is the solution? You'll find it in the second half of the sentence. Those last two words are the key:

"Make lemonade."

Lemonade doesn't occur naturally. It's a deliberate creation. It demands effort. It requires planning and execution. To make it, you follow a recipe, and that's merely a fancy French word for a plan. In order to make lemonade, you need the proper equipment, the proper ingredients, and the willingness to do the work. You have to prepare. You have to make the proper measurements and combine the ingredients in the right proportions. If the work stops at any point in the process, there won't be any lemonade. Those two words, "make lemonade" encapsulate the entire formula for success: create a plan, follow it with determination, and see it through to the end. You might screw up the formula the first time. You might add too much sugar or get too much pulp in the pitcher. But even if you do, you've learned a valuable lesson that will make the next batch more refreshing and delicious. You aren't guaranteed to have the best lemonade when you set out to make it. But if you sit and wait for life to hand it to you, you'll likely end up with something far less pleasant than a tasty beverage.

Look past the obvious, and you'll often discover truth underneath. Even a tired old cliché can teach us things if we're willing to learn. If you don't like the results of passively waiting for things to go your way, stop sitting around with your hands out. Make a plan, and put those hands to work.

Go out and make some lemonade. The world can always use more.