Category: Power the Future Power the Future
Published: 21 June 2023 21 June 2023

Washington, D.C. - Today is the five-year anniversary of a climate prediction amplified by activist Greta Thunberg in a now-deleted tweet. Thunberg supported the position that “climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.” Earlier this year, media outlets noted that Thunberg deleted the tweet as today’s anniversary drew closer.

“Families are facing serious consequences driven by the extreme green agenda supported by unserious people like Greta Thunberg,” said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. “Greta, John Kerry, Al Gore and countless others have delivered hyperbolic prophecies for decades and are never held to account for their wildly inaccurate predictions. Today’s anniversary is an excellent reminder that those who believe in common sense must demand answers and stand up for the truth because facts still matter.”

Power The Future is a 501c4 non-profit dedicated to fighting for American energy workers.