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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}The postings in this column will be primarily from Power the Future, which is a non-profit organization fighting for American energy workers.-?
Washington, D.C. - Power The Future proudly supports today’s action by President Donald Trump to create the National Energy Dominance Council (NEDC.) This move represents a decisive reverse from the Biden Administration’s damaging energy policies that cost American families thousands of dollars in increased expenses.
“The National Energy Dominance Council is a long-overdue course correction that prioritizes American energy workers, revitalizes domestic production, and ensures affordability for families,” said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. “The NEDC has the opportunity to right the many wrongs of the Biden administration’s failures by working alongside the private sector to create policies that increase production, drive down costs, and protect the environment.”
Washington, D.C. - In a bombshell discovery, Lee Zeldin, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), uncovered a $20 billionscheme from the Biden Administration seeking to rush taxpayer dollars out the door for green giveaways. According to Zeldin, the $20 billion payout was funneled to eight different entities that would then award the dollars at their own discretion, all designed to hide the final destination of the funds.
Washington, D.C. - Despite a recent report showing inflation is still a problem, Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) have introduced legislation to end President Trump’s energy emergency declaration. Their measure was introduced days after the latest report for December showing inflation continuing to go up driven in part by increasing energy prices.
“Apparently Tim Kaine and Martin Heinrich have the luxury of not having to buy their own gas or their own groceries because that’s the only reason they could be this aloof,” said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. “The truth is they are simple partisans who didn’t think it was an emergency when Americans were paying record gas prices and Joe Biden was begging Saudi Arabia for more oil. Make no mistake: These two Senators were key votes for the failed Inflation Reduction Act so when it comes to knowing which laws will help working families, these two should sit it out.”
Washington, D.C. - Today, key energy leaders in Congress are expected to introduce a resolution to end the tax placed on natural gas production signed into law by former President Biden. Sen. John Hoeven (R-North Dakota) and Rep. August Pfluger (R-Texas) along with Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas) are leading the effort to target the tax program within the Environmental Protection Agency as part of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA.) The punitive measure of the IRA required extra reporting and fees associated with natural gas production.
Washington, D.C. - As President Trump delivers on his promise imposing tariffs to make America more secure, working families can count on coal, oil, and natural gas workers to keep prices reasonable. During his first term, President Trump effectively used tariffs as part of American economic power while keeping energy costs low and increasing household income. In contrast, the Biden Administration orchestrated an all-out attack on American energy causing costs to increase nearly 20 percent while household income rose only 1.3 percent.
Albuquerque – According to a spokesperson, former Interior Secretary Deb Haaland is expected to announce her candidacy for Governor of New Mexico. In response, Power The Future Communications Director Larry Behrens issued the following statement:
“Deb Haaland’s record in Washington is an abysmal failure, and that failure would undoubtedly follow her to Santa Fe. Her agenda clearly shows little regard for oil and natural gas workers, who are the backbone of New Mexico’s economy. No one should give Deb Haaland the keys to New Mexico’s economy because all she knows how to do is stall the engine.”
Some of the most notable failures of Haaland’s tenure at the Interior Department include:
Washington, D.C. - President Trump has ordered a pause in all federal funding tied to the Green New Deal. The directive orders a temporary pause in “all activities related to obligation or disbursement of all Federal financial assistance” for many areas including the Green New Deal. In response, Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future issued the following statement:
“We wholeheartedly support President Trump as he hits the brakes on the green gravy train. Billions upon billions of questionable dollars were shoveled out the door as Joe Biden faded out of office and the American people were left holding the bill. President Trump’s message is clear: the free ride is over for the green agenda and it’s past time we let the free market choose what’s best.”
Albuquerque – New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham kicked off the 2025 Legislative Session in traditional fashion by refusing to show gratitude for the state’s oil and natural gas workers. This is the seventh speech the Governor has offered before the legislative session and despite spending the billions provided by oil and gas workers, the Governor has not once expressed any gratitude.
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