Category: Power the Future Power the Future
Published: 23 August 2023 23 August 2023

Washington, D.C. - As Republican candidates for President take the stage for the first debate, energy and the economy are at the forefront for every American family. For nearly three years, the Biden Administration has declared war on domestic energy production and voters are looking for answers to key questions that will inform them how the candidates plan to bring the country out of a failed economy. Questions that should be answered tonight include:

  1. Despite less than 1 in 10 Americans calling it a pressing issue, Joe Biden has said climate change is the greatest threat we face and has placed it at the forefront of every federal agency. How serious of a threat is climate change? What priority would your administration give climate change?

  2. Russia has used natural gas to threaten our European allies, yet America could produce enough natural gas for us and them. Do you support an infrastructure to produce, transport and ship liquefied natural gas LNG to our allies around the world?


  3. China controls around 90% of the rare earth element market, and these materials are needed for all high tech and military equipment. America has access to these natural resources, but the Biden Administration has prohibited their extraction. Would you support the opening of mining operations across America to weaken China’s market dominance

  4. Green groups have annual operating budgets of billions of dollars from undisclosed sources. In 2020 the Trump Department of Justice (DOJ) announced an investigation into foreign funding of these groups. As president, would you support an investigation into the foreign funding, particularly Russian and Chinese, of American environmental groups?

Power The Future is a 501c4 non-profit dedicated to fighting for American energy workers.