Category: Power the Future Power the Future
Published: 06 December 2023 06 December 2023

Washington, D.C. -In a bipartisan rebuke of President Joe Biden’s forced environmental mandates, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill today prohibiting the Environmental Protection Agency from forcing a de facto electric vehicle (EV) mandate. In a vote of 221 to 197, with 5 Democrats joining with Republicans, the bill now heads to the Senate.

“If Joe Biden believes EVs are so wonderful, he shouldn’t have to force us to by them by executive fiat. Better yet, Biden can actually pledge to use EVs exclusively and end his eco hypocrisy,” said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. “Now that the House has done its job, the Senate should give this a fair hearing and an immediate up or down vote."

 Power The Future is a 501c4 non-profit dedicated to fighting for American energy workers.