Category: Power the Future Power the Future
Published: 20 December 2023 20 December 2023

Washington, D.C. -Today, the Biden Administration announced they will spend $600 million to advance the cause of “environmental justice.” The funding will be sent to 11 different “grantmakers” groups who will be charged with overseeing who receives the funds. The money comes from the Inflation Reduction Act, which the Biden Administration is now re-branding as “the largest investment in climate action in history.”

“It’s Bidenomics by a different name: using a green slush fund to dole out Christmas gifts to his political friends ahead of 2024,” said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director of Power The Future. “No matter if they are dubbed grantmakers or climate corps, the mission is the same: use taxpayer dollars to build networks of political support. And while Biden sends $600 million to his eco-friends, energy workers are stalled by Washington while families pay more for everything.”

Power The Future is a 501c4 non-profit dedicated to fighting for American energy workers.