Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 12 March 2021 12 March 2021

It is something that just continues to amaze me to no end. To watch the hypocrisy of some people in our community. You just want to shake them and get their attention maybe putting some brain cells back in the correct position so that they are able to think logically.

Our City Council is apparently considering some kind of ordinance to limit free speech , even though they do not have the authority to take such action. Maybe they will not do anything but the fact that they would even consider it because a few people are complaining is just unbelievable. It wastes the time of city employees to research the issue and find out what other communities might be doing , when there are much more pressing issues facing our town. Issues that they have the authority and ability to do something about.

No doubt many of you know about a flag that is being flown by a few people in our community. The flag reference is Joe Biden and uses the 'F' word. It is a flag and a phrase that is offensive to most of us even those of us who might agree with the sentiment.

Some of those that support Joe Biden have written emails, letters and made phone calls to town officials asking that it be taken down. I did not see a similar outcry when the same word was used and displayed, to describe President Trump. I would not be surprised if some of those who are complaining about the flag were among those that used the phrase or had a bumper sticker saying the same thing about our former president.

In some social media exchanges, I have had people tell me it's not the same thing because they believe Donald Trump was a crook and an illegitimate president. Funny, many of us believe there is substantially more evidence to make the same accusations against Joe Biden. Of course they do not share that opinion but more amazingly, almost every one of them claimed to have never been as insulting to President Trump or his supporters, even when I was able to point out posts on their own pages which were much worse.

Quite simply, the issue comes down to free speech. It is a right that is protected under our constitution. We all have a right to say what we want, with very few limitations, no matter how offensive someone else might find it. The fact that people would complain and expect a governmental entity to do something about it is, not only saddening, but it reflects an ignorance of the law. Don't get me wrong, city officials should consider whether the speech is protected or falls under one of the exemptions that would allow them to take action. Beyond that they should not even waste their time. For our elected officials to even consider taking action further proves that we are drifting away from a society based upon the rule of law and moving towards a tyranny based upon the rule of man.