Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 26 November 2021 26 November 2021

If you are shopping today, you are supporting racism. Black Friday is the newest target for the race baiters who see everything in terms of racism. It's one of the weakest arguments to claim racism that I've ever heard. Somehow, spending the day shopping and looking for deals denigrates black people because it points out the income disparity between African Americans and other groups. But this brings up a larger point. does a lot of "man on the street" interviews at various college and university campuses. This week they asked students if the name Black Friday should be changed because it has racist undertones. Many said it should while others were indifferent and couldn't understand why it was racist. However, once the students were told the real meaning of Black Friday they changed their opinion.

In case you did not know, Black Friday was a term coined in the retail industry decades ago. Traditionally up until the Friday after Thanksgiving, most retail companies were operating at a loss, in the red. Black Friday signified the point in the calendar year that most companies began to see profits or operating in the black. So it has nothing to do with race, which you inherently knew. But I'm sure someone will be upset that we are using red ink to signify operating at a loss and that will likely stress some people out so we have to find a new color. And in this case, operating in the black is a good thing so shouldn't the race baiters be happy?

To the larger point: an ignorant population allows people like this to gain traction with their claims. We have watched the actions of removing historical figures from the public view as well as removing true history from our schools. Keeping people ignorant of the truth, whether it is good or bad, makes it easier for them to be manipulated. That manipulation turns into more power for the race baiters but also serves to divide the populace. When we are fighting with each other, the ruling class continues to manipulate more power for themselves.

If you have read anything about the New Mexico public education department's plans to change our Social Studies curricula, you will understand that this is going to affect your children as well. It is critical race theory which serves to divide us and it is also factually incorrect in so many ways. One example that is repeated throughout the different grade level lesson plans is that our country is a democracy. We know that it is not, but this is intentional. A democracy can discriminate against other groups while it is much more difficult in a federal or constitutional Republic, if the rules are followed that is.

But teaching our children incorrect history allows them to be manipulated. It has been happening for almost 40 years and now we're seeing the results that the political elite desired. I will tell you that despite the opinion being expressed on a national basis, you as parents and we as members of the community do have a right to say what and how our children are taught. Just because you don't have a degree in education doesn't mean you don't know what should be taught, it just means you may not understand effective methods for teaching the material.

So, it's time for us to remember that we put our differences aside long ago. It doesn't mean that some of us did not follow the lead but the majority of us are not racist and do not think in those terms. We do not believe that we are victims and we still believe that opportunity is there for anyone that wants to take advantage of it by working hard. If we remember that, we take the power away from the authoritarian class.