Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 14 July 2023 14 July 2023

MI have spoken or written quite often about the ultimate goal of the politicians and the people that control them. Their goal is to have total power over us. They love the Marxist model in which a central body makes all decisions for everyone. The rules do not apply equally to all since those in charge are often the elite and exempt themselves from the same standards applied to everyone else. To gain support among the population they often use words like equality or privilege that are like dog whistles. While most people agree on some level with my opinion, I don't think many have actually thought what it looks like.

In cities like San Francisco or Austin where the defund the police movement has been most prevalent, we have seen crime increase exponentially. District attorneys will not prosecute certain crimes. It started typically with shoplifting under a specific dollar amount but then progressed to include crimes such as robbery unless an individual was injured by the perpetrator. Already we are seeing efforts to include more violent crimes as ones that are forgiven. In my opinion, the goal is to create a national police force. We have already seen the capitol police, whose only responsibility is to protect the capital in Washington DC request funding for offices throughout the country. The FBI has already provided some tactical support to local police departments. As people get more frustrated with the increase in crime rates in their cities, they would be glad to welcome in any form of help.

States such as New Mexico that are requiring limits on the so-called fossil fuel vehicles and more dependency upon electric vehicles have the goal to punish those of us that live in rural areas. They want people to move to urban municipalities. Electric vehicles are more suited to use in the city compared to areas where we must drive long distances that are not suitable for use of electric vehicles. But they want to go even further in the urban areas. I saw a promotional advertisement you know in which it showed a crowded freeway with about 50 people standing in front of 50 cars occupying all four lanes. The second picture of the advertisement showed a single bus where all of the cars had been. The caption said something along the lines of, if you don't like crowded freeways then you'll love public transportation. Because we love the subway in New York City, right?

Having us in urban areas makes it easier to control our movement. It brings in the "justifiable" need to have government build housing projects to deal with the overpopulation. It provides an opportunity for the national police to control us by putting us into a concentrated area. A side benefit is that the political and business elite can have their summer cabins or lake houses out of sight of most of the population.

But I had a thought this week as I was listening to a story on a business news channel. This story was about the number of companies that are closing locations in high crime cities. Brick and mortar retail outlets owned by companies such as Walgreens, CVS, Kroger's, Macy's and many others cannot afford to keep these stores open due to high crime losses and threats to their employees. In a normal world local politicians would be increasing the police force and punishing those that commit the crime in order to get these stores to remain open. But in the world we know today I believe the powers that be are glad to see the retail outlets close.

They not only like the idea that it will cause people to have to move into more densely populated areas but I think they also see an opportunity to open government owned stores. We already see government run liquor stores or tobacco stores in some states. Some extremely rural areas also have government owned stores to provide groceries or other necessities. The government then picks the winners and losers in business, even more so than they do now. A company like Amazon might see tremendous growth in their sales.

But more importantly one of the things I talked about during the lockdowns of the pandemic is that it made more sense to close large box stores if you wanted to keep people in small groups. Allowing people to shop in local stores that were not 100,000 square feet of space would make it much easier to control people and keep them 6 feet apart. But having to control a handful of companies such as Walmart or Target is much easier than controlling 100 small businesses in Grant County New Mexico. Having the government control the supply chain through Amazon or similar businesses makes it easier to control what products are offered to us. It also makes it easier for the government to take over these businesses at some point. The owners and executive officers of these companies would of course be rewarded just as oligarchs are in Russia so they're not going to be opposed to the expanding government control.

Is that the world you want to live in? I don't think so. Haven't we seen this in movies and books? The answer is yes we have seen this, and we are watching it play out right before our eyes not believing it could happen in real life.