Category: Letters to Editor Letters to Editor
Published: 25 August 2020 25 August 2020

To Cynthia Bettison and the Silver City Town Council:

Dear Cynthia:

I want to thank each of you on the Silver City Town Council along with the mayor for your dedication and often sacrificial service to the town of Silver City. Your efforts on our behalf are much appreciated.

I appreciate your concern and caring for the health of the residents of Silver City and Grant County.

However, in regard to the proposal to require all citizens to face masks in Silver City, or suffer penalties I am greatly concerned for several reasons.

Since the concern focuses on Covid-19, we should examine what a virus is and what are the most important measure to take in protecting the populace against this infection.

A virus is not the same as a bacterium. A virus is a gathering together of strands of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein or other type of jacket. The corona virus has only a single strand of RNA.

As researchers have explored the world of viruses, they are beginning to estimate that there are not merely hundreds or thousands of viruses, but they may well number in the millions. Some can be transmitted from animal or bird sources to humans.

The problem with a virus is that when it enters a host, it goes up to a cell, inserts a connecting line or proboscis and enters the heart of the cell, taking over its normal function and inserting its own RNA or DNA, thereby causing a change that amounts to a normal cell becoming a rogue cell. Some viruses can cause cancer, for instance, or AIDS or smallpox, among other disorders.

Viruses can be as tiny as 17 nanometers or up to 2.3 micrometers, all of which are incredibly tiny and cannot be detected by a normal microscope. Because of the minuscule size, they can easily pass through the pores of a mask. A comparison might be somewhat like trying to use a chain-link fence to keep a mosquito from coming through.

So, while a mask can keep droplets of a sneeze or cough contained, it certainly will not protect the wearer from passage of any number of viruses through the mesh. So, what will help prevent infection?

Did you know that the electric charge of copper will kill not only viruses, but also bacteria? Although this has been a well-known fact, researchers at NYU Langone Health site have been exploring this. So, it would be possible to clad doorknobs in a thin covering of copper and prevent much transmission of contagious elements. Some hospitals are doing this with door plates with good results.

Michael Schmidt is a professor of microbiology and immunology at the Medical University of South Carolina. He has studied copper's ability and claims that oxygen interacts with copper creating a free radical which moves into the virus causing it to "explode."

There is some debate about using copper impregnated face masks for those who are exposed to viruses on a daily basis such as medical workers. Concern is that washing such masks will strip the ions from the copper making the mask ineffective. Schmidt thinks that their use might prevent a second wave of the virus.

However, there is a danger in chronic mask wearing. Many people are reporting a type of "mask-acne." All of us have a constant dusting of bacteria on our bodies. Many mask wearers find that they overheat from trying to breathe through the mask barrier and this causes sweating which moves bacteria into pooling in the pores behind the mask creating a perfect incubation site for bacteria to multiply.

There is another, more serious danger, to chronic mask wearing. Healthy athletes were tested in wearing masks while vigorously exercising. They had their blood levels of oxygen tested before, during and after the vigorous exercise test.

These normally very energetic young men showed a serious drop in the levels of oxygen in their blood. In fact, it was so much lower than normal that their readings would have required them to use oxygen had they been a patient being tested for respiratory issues. This is known as hypoxia and lowers reaction time, mental processes, effects immune health and interferes with normal communication between all body glands, organs and body systems.

So, the temporary fix actually creates body stress which triggers cortisol release which lowers immune function, thereby making the mask wearers more apt to get some type of body disorder in the long run.

There have been a number of medical doctors in Texas who used a protocol of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, vitamin C and Vitamin D3 to help their patients with corona virus recover very quickly. For some reason, their research caused a few to lose their jobs and others to be blocked on most forms of social media. One wonders why.

Recently, in Australia another group of doctors has been perfecting a second very effective means of protecting its citizens from getting coronavirus or recovering from it. The recovery time there is even quicker as in a matter of hours. Many of them are actually taking the protocol preventively with excellent results.

In Israel, there are 6 different vaccines being developed with no side effects. Sadly, side effects remain the main problem with US made vaccines. This is a well-researched fact, again not well supported by social media. Robert Kennedy, Jr. is only one of the more prominent voices speaking about this issue.

So, I offer you that there are other options to consider rather than making healthy constituents constantly put their own health at risk by adopting an unsafe mandate.

We understand that part of the consideration of the mandate was that mask wearing was mandatory while driving a vehicle in the environs of the city. Again, I point out that hypoxia lowers reaction time, slows mental processes, which, from a medical standpoint, is not a wise traffic management consideration.

I also understand that the interior of our vehicle is private property and thereby this should not be managed by outside sources.

So, given these facts I must raise my voice in strong protest against that which is declared not legal in the state of Texas. Their caveat is reasonable. They require masks in "commercial entities, public buildings and outdoor public spaces that don't allow for social distancing."

They are also not required under the following situations.

• In counties with 20 or fewer cases, where a county judge opts out by filing with TX Division of Emergency Management, as long as face coverings are highly recommended
• For children 10 yrs or younger
• For individuals with health conditions that prevent them from wearing a mask
• While consuming food or drink
• While exercising or engaging in physical activities outdoors, as long as they can social distance
• While swimming
• While driving alone or with someone from your household
• Temporary removal while receiving a service that requires security screening, such as a bank, or specific access to the face, as personal care
• Those voting or working at polling locations
• At religious services
• While speaking for broadcast or audience

I would qualify as an individual with a health condition that prevents me from wearing a mask. I quickly become hypoxic due to a particular health situation. Polyps obstruct one nostril and if I walk and wear a mask, within minutes I come close to passing out from lack of oxygen. So this is a further reason that I request your attention to the above details.

I am not against the use of masks for those who are vulnerable.  However, I strongly suggest that the decision to use one or not be left up to the individual rather than having it mandated.

We have been residents of this area since 1975, paid our taxes and otherwise supported our local citizens and residents.


Respectfully submitted,

Nancy L Pidutti Retired nurse, Master's in Natural Health and Healing
Silver City, NM 88061