Category: Editorials Editorials
Published: 01 July 2018 01 July 2018

It is my desire that the Grant County Commission allow Gila Regional Medical Center to remain a local hospital. Good strides have been made in bringing the hospital to a more stable financial position. I would like the confidence placed in the administration to continue and give them a chance to prove their expertise.

I sincerely appreciate all the hard work and research the Commission has done to determine the best path for GRMC. However, it is hard to measure the personal concerns, fears and opinions of the local population. The cancer patients have had a terrible experience in changing from one cancer treatment to another. This could be an example of what would happen should the Commission decide to change ownership of the hospital. I daresay the political fallout could be devastating to all involved.

I implore the Commission to allow Gila Regional Medical Center to remain County owned.

Judy Ward

Silver City