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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Editorial content. Content posted here may or may not reflect the opinions of the Beat. They reflect the opinions of the author.
The one thing the Democrats can't take from us
The Republican Party of New Mexico needs a leader with a clear vision, bold ideas, and the determination to win. That's why I'm running to be the next RPNM Chairman. Here's how we'll rebuild and revitalize our party together:
A Vision for the Future
I believe New Mexico should be in the Top Ten of states in the nation. Here's what that looks like:
● Republicans are the majority in the Roundhouse and Governor's suite.
● Republicans are united from around New Mexico.
● Providing counties and candidates with the resources they need to WIN.
A Plan to Grow Our Party
Almost 70% of the firefighters in our country are volunteers, according to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) records. Even though public safety heavily relies on the service of volunteer firefighters, they have not been included in Cancer Presumption Laws in more than half of the states in the U.S.
Cancer Presumption Laws recognize firefighters' cancerous condition as a job-related illness and affirm their eligibility to receive some form of compensation or disability benefit. However, in most states, including New Mexico, the law specifies that only employed firefighters' applications for support are accepted.
By Paul Gessing
Among the numerous economic policy areas that hold New Mexico back is its heavy regulatory burden. Unnecessarily heavy regulations on business can make it harder than necessary to start and grow a business in New Mexico. The good news is that at least some regulatory reforms show real potential for bipartisanship in Santa Fe.
New Mexico could (and should) take a step toward regulatory reform by embracing what are known as “regulatory sandboxes.” In 2023 Albuquerque Democrat Rep. Meredith Dixon introduced an innovative form of legislation (HB 356), “The Technology Sandbox Act.”
Will recreational vehicle sales be prohibited in New Mexico by 2027? That’s what the industry is saying (thanks to New Mexico following California’s “clean car standard.” The ban in California could start as soon as January 1, 2025. Read articles directly from the RV industry about the issue here and here. There is also a map showing the states (including New Mexico) that plan to follow California’s ban on RV sales below.
By Ruben Leyva
Apache generational surnames hold deep historical significance, especially within the four main bands of the Chiricahua. This editorial reflects my family's resilience and adaptability despite profound challenges in retaining our identity. My people are the Bedokohe, pronounced Bee-don-ko-hay [In Front of the End People], known historically as the Gila Apache or sometimes the Mogollon Apache. In the 1992 book Apache Mothers and Daughters, we are called "Bronze Apaches." This essay also reflects the continued interrelationship of the four bands.
I had never heard of the Beneficial Ownership Report until a friend told me about it.
Several links to more information, including how to report, if you are a business, even a tiny one like the Beat, and are required to fill out the form before the end of December 2024.
If you don't, you face a $500-a-day fine. Yes, you read that right.
By Michael Russell
There were three possible 2024 presidential-election outcomes, but to the bigger picture, to the panorama of America's patient transformation into something The Founders never intended, (s)election outcomes are both illusory and superficial. Option III, an "emergency" occurring prior to the election to cancel the election while ushering in martial law and suspending constitutional protections under Patriot Act provisos, can still be implemented prior to inauguration by replacing the word "Option" with the words "World War."
Never before has there been so brazenly brainless a candidate offering as the Harris-Walz ticket. Joe Biden exhibited signs of cognitive diminution long before 2020, but was at least able to construct intelligible, if plagiarized, sentences at some point in his life. Bernie Sanders was no less flagrantly collectivist but not entirely illiterate. Jimmy Carter was an intellectual basket case but generally coherent. Kamala Harris, however, has always been a blithering idiot, and Harris-Walz together comprised a mockery of both intelligence and Americanism designed to test a citizenry's willingness to accept mental midgets as symbols of authority.
{Editorial by Editor Mary Alice Murphy to point out the positive things of Western New Mexico University to counter theLetters to the Editor pointing out the negative things. How about we focus on positivity? It makes one feel much better than stewing in negativity.}
In contrast to the negative things about WNMU and its leadership that seem to be proliferating lately, including Letters of the Editor, this Editor looked for positive things about the campus that have occurred in the past few years.
Below the bulleted comments is a list of highlights:
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