Editorial content. Content posted here may or may not reflect the opinions of the Beat. They reflect the opinions of the author.

Takeaway on General Obligation Bond for Silver Consolidated Schools

Lynn Janes

After watching 8-9 presentations (I lost count) by William Hawkins, superintendent of Silver Consolidated Schools, on the special election for an increased mill levy on our property taxes I have come away with some thoughts.

I am not writing this to say I am for or against just merely propose some observations that I hope makes some people including the education community think. It is not my intention to trigger anyone.

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SCPD Chief speaks about disinformation from public official

Submitted July 15, 2024
By Silver City Police Chief Freddie Portillo

It's unfortunate that Town Councilor Nick Prince saw fit to publicly criticize my department, Town Manager Alex Brown, our hard-working, dedicated officers, our tactics and strategies at last week's town council meeting, rather than meet with me directly to address his concerns, as do the other town councilors. His comments are not based in fact, and are detrimental to our department, my officers' morale and to the community at large. These are officers who are willingly sacrificing their own personal time—time away from their families—to serve and protect this community, while Manager Brown and I are working hard to recruit officers, and bring our department up to full staff once again. Even our administrators are out patrolling the streets to ensure the safety of this community. They don't have to do this, but they and every single member of my team go above and beyond each day because they care, and because they, too, want to live in a safe, secure community.

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Corey DeAngelis on Private School Choice

By Gabriel Higbie

The Rio Grande Foundation recently hosted Corey DeAngelis for a series of events in New Mexico. DeAngelis is one of the most prominent voices for private school choice in the nation, and at events located in Albuquerque and Alamogordo, he discussed the shortcomings of government-operated educational systems and the strategic methods of the left used to gain control of America's educational systems.

DeAngelis' solution to our failed education system is outlined in his new book, "The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools." Among other things, the book dives into the effects of COVID on our education system and how private school choice is rapidly spreading across America in response. The book is not only an informational resource for parents all over the United States, but a tool that equips them to fight back against the left's constant push for ideological dominance in education. Under the phrase "fund students, not systems," Corey DeAngelis is helping lead the charge in private school choice.

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Private Property Vs Government Ownership and Control of Land

Published with permission from https://drdansfreedomforum.com/private-property-vs-government-ownership-and-control-of-land/ 

By Guest Contributor Howard Hutchinson
Email: aznmc@earthlink.net

States and Federal governments own millions of acres of land and millions of acres are controlled under conservation easements. Environmental organizations that include land trusts claim that this public ownership and control of lands has immense benefits to the bordering private lands.

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Seeing the best and the worst in people within hours on Saturday 071324

The attempted assassination of a former president and presidential candidate seems to bring out the best and the worst in people these days.

I saw both yesterday evening.

Almost any person with a base of decency will express horror that such a thing should happen in our country.

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Memo to Land-Grabbers: Get Your Grubby Mitts Off Our Land

[Editor's Note: Posted with permission from http://www.liberato.us/property-rights-report-2407.html ]

July 2024

Rogue Forest Service Attempting to Ignore Congressional Mandates

The U.S. Forest Service is proposing amendments that call for managing all 127 national forests to "maximize mature and old growth trees." This conflicts with the Congressional mandate to "[secure] favorable conditions of water flows, and to furnish a continuous supply of timber." (16 U.S. Code § 475).  In addition to flouting land use law, the Forest Service also shirked its legal duty to coordinate and cooperate with state and local governments prior to the proposed changes. Past old growth protection has led to massive decreases in timber harvest, forest thinning, and increases in catastrophic fires and insect and disease infestations.

The Forest Service has released a draft environmental impact statement and is seeking public comment.

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Will student proficiencies improve if education bond issue passes in special election?

Residents will soon receive mail-in ballots for a special election proposing a 23% property tax increase to benefit Silver Schools. Before voting, it might be helpful for taxpayers to have some numbers to show both the financial condition of the District, and the performance of the schools.

For the fiscal year 2022, Silver Schools had total revenue of $35,795,626. The following year, 2023, that rose to a staggering $38,825,778 (source: NM State Auditor website audited financial statements). That amounts to an increase of over $3 million, which is almost 10% higher than the year before.

What do the taxpayers get for this money, one might ask?

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CORRECTION: Residents were misled on special education bond election

Residents will soon receive mail-in ballots for a special election regarding the 4.1 mil levy tax increase (General Obligation Bond on the ballot) for Silver Schools. A “mil levy” is confusing, but understand that this would be a massive tax increase. Currently, someone owning property valued at $270,000 pays about $1,450 in tax. If this bond passes, the tax increases by $369, to over $1,800, amounting to a 23% tax increase! This is not just a one-time tax, but the new tax rate for every single year. Adding in persistent 9% inflation that has hurt everyone in our community, people are strained to the max.

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