Category: Editorials Editorials
Published: 13 April 2021 13 April 2021

Why is it that if someone is a hard worker, gets things done well and quickly, but may be a little loud or boisterous, that the "elites," or those who think they are the elites, shun him or her because he or she may not be genteel enough or agree with their agendas?

Wouldn't you rather have a well-oiled machine, whether an actual machine or perhaps an organization or entity, continue the work that they set out to do?

Or would you rather kick them out and start over with something or someone you really know nothing about, except for a marketing gimmick or resume that may or may not really fit what you need.

That is what has happened with the Silver Consolidated Schools system and its board. In the current decision of who would do the best job for the students, all the candidates said to some extent or another, "it's about the students." But what about the candidate you already know and have here, who HAS proved himself as being for the student and has worked his tail off during the pandemic to get learning opportunities to the students?

Oh, I forgot, elites choose not by qualification, but by specific thought, agenda or even color of skin. If there is anything that is not a qualification for any job, it's color of skin. Some of us are brown, some black, some yellow, some white, some red, and some a combination of any or all of the above. If you have had a DNA test, you know that most everyone is a "mutt," in other words a combination of any or all ethnicities or races.

Don't you realize that what all the elites all over the country are trying to do is to divide us? They use the word unity, but unity only applies if you completely agree with them and use only the words or pronouns they want you to use. Trying to divide the citizens of a country is about as racist as you can get. What happened to the beliefs of Martin Luther King, Jr, who said: "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." I fear he is rolling over in his grave.

If you happen to have an opinion that varies from that of the elites, then you are not worthy of their "trust." How can you trust someone who takes facts and twists them to fit an agenda? I can think of several people locally who fit that narrative to a T.

You, as a resident of your locality, state, country, must learn to think for yourself. Stop taking the easy way. Work and research to find out facts, real facts and hard truth. Don't expect the media, including this publication, to hand feed you what you want to hear and what takes little effort to learn. You have to WORK and research to uncover what's really going on. Don't accept the status quo. If you get riled up about an issue, then go out and promote it, but only if you understand it. Do not be pulled in by mob rule! Expect resistance from those who prefer the pablum they are fed.

What if you were a baby, and your mother kept feeding you nothing but milk and pureed food. Would your jaw ever develop strength? Would your teeth be used purposefully? You would grow, but slowly because you could not continue to thrive on nothing but milk and baby food. Would you be strong and fit? Not likely.

You must take responsibility for yourself, not rely on anyone else to feed you or "inform" you. Read opinions different from yours. Something might spark you into a better understanding of an issue. It might not change your mind, but it might bring you to a new realization.

And yes, I got far away from my start of a discussion about hard workers. But maybe I didn't. Maybe it's the hard workers who best understand a situation, because they have delved into it and labored to find the best solutions. My belief is you should reward them and keep them in your business, agency or school. Don't reward those who do nothing and are too lazy. Reward the workers!

And I may have an insight into why too many people don't like hard workers. In my experience, hard workers expect the people they work with to work as hard as they do. And believe me, that's hard work!