Category: Editorials Editorials
Published: 14 July 2023 14 July 2023

I expect most of you Beat readers to be intelligent human beings who can think for yourselves. 

I get national weather service advisories and warning constantly all day long if there is the slightest bit of rain or if there's more. I'll post one or two to let you know of the dangers, but when each map shows a tiny portion of the county as being under a flood advisory or warning, I'm not going to continually post the warnings.

Plus, just to add insult, often those panicked advisories are soon cancelled. The government loves to scare you, but you know better.

You are smart. If it is raining where you are, as well as upstream of where you are, you know not to drive through flooded underpasses or low water crossings. You know that there might be debris in that water, or the flow of the water might be strong enough to carry a vehicle downstream, so you don't venture into it.

The federal government loves being a nanny state where it thinks it can think for you and tell you what to do. We know better what is best for us. As Reagan once said: "The nine most dangerous words are: 'I'm from the government, and Im here to help.'"

The Beat will post one or two advisories. You are smart enough to figure out if they have validity for where you are or are going.

It's summertime. The temperatures can become elevated. You know you need to stay hydrated and not work too hard in the blazing sun. 

And yes, in our area, it can rain in the summertime and whenever, snow in the wintertime usually, blow strong winds whenever, and get really hot or really cold. You know to be prepared!

Thanks for being a Beat reader!