Category: Letters to Editor Letters to Editor
Published: 22 November 2023 22 November 2023


In Joe's Case, It's Way More Than "the Economy, Stupid!"
By Mike Bibb

Hope the U.S. House Oversight Committee investigating Joe Biden -- and his circle of friends and relatives -- don't run out of subpoena forms.

Previously, House subpoenas were issued to Joe's son Hunter Biden, Joe's brother James Biden, and Biden business associate Rob Walker.

Now, we've learned at least four additional subpoenas have been served to Eric Schwerin and Mervyn Yan, art gallery owner George Berges and art collector Elizabeth Naftali.

There's more. According to news sources, subpoenas are being prepared for Sara Biden, James's wife -- Hallie Biden, widow of Joe's son Beau Biden and Hunter's ex-girlfriend (Come on, don't act surprised. Hunter's had lots of girlfriends.) -- Elizabeth Sacundy, Hallie Biden's sister -- Hunter Biden's wife Melissa Cohen -- and Hunter's business associate Tony Bobulinski.

House Oversight Committee Chair Rep. James Comer (R-Ky), remarked Nov. 8, 2023, that besides the reams of evidence it has already accumulated during the Biden investigation, it's also discovered at least 22 shell companies the Biden family established to surreptitiously transfer tax-free money and hide payments from foreign individuals and business interests.

Interestingly, a majority of these phony companies were setup when Joe was Vice President. Leading one to wonder if President Barack Obama was, in some way, involved in these deals.

Readers may recall Obama once reputedly said "Never underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up" in discussing Joe's incompetency. Perhaps, a reflection on Joe's past performances as well as a premonition of future events.

If Barack's opinion of Joe was less than flattering, why did he twice choose him to be his VP? A mediocre senator from a small Northeastern state wouldn't normally be an ideal selection -- unless there was a specific purpose in doing so.

Subpoenas for art gallery owner George Berges, who sold Hunter's outlandishly expensive paintings, and Elizabeth Naftali, supposedly purchased one of Hunter's pieces for up to $500,000, tweaked the committee's interest in seeking to find out why Hunter's talent -- not previously known or recognized -- would suddenly demand such unusually high prices for his newly created works.

Possibly, for the same reason he was paid $83,000 a month to sit on a Ukranian natural gas company board. Apparently, he knows as much about painting as he does natural gas. Which, basically, is zip.

Actually, some of the art purchases at George Burges Gallery were made by people close to the Democrat Party. According to Art Net News, July 26, 2023, Naftali donated $13,414 to Joe's 2020 campaign, and $29,700 to the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee this year. A single unidentified buyer of Hunter's works on display "purchased 11 pieces for a total of $875,000."

The money road involving the Bidens is lengthy and full of hairpin curves. However, Eric Schwerin is very familiar with it, having been a longtime trusted manager involved in Joe and Hunter's businesses.

Schwerin was also a director in Hunter's investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners. Devon Archer and Mervyn Yan were business associates in the company.

Which is probably what attracted the attention of the House Oversight Committee. If anyone has legitimate knowledge of the financial goings-on within the Biden family, Schwerin would be the guy to talk to.

It's becoming increasingly apparent after many years of behind-the-scenes wheeling and dealing, this whole tangled web of corruption, deception and manipulation is being exposed for the crooked enterprise it was/is.

When the liberal mainstream media begins to report upon the suspicious misdeeds of the First Family, that's a pretty good indication their lies and secrets are beginning to be recognized.

Equally obvious -- as unveiled evidence shows -- multiple members of the Biden family participated in the ruse. What their roles were isn't exactly clear, but they received foreign money transfers for doing it.

Promotion of the Biden name as a means of gaining inside government influence and information might have been "Gold" at one time -- Hunter once implied -- but today revealed as part of nothing more than an elaborate scam seemingly involving the 46th president of the United States and nearly his entire family.

Except, Hunter's five-year old out-of-wedlock daughter, Navy Joan Roberts, in Arkansas. For some inexplicable reason, she was not acknowledged as the 10th grandchild of the Bidens until last July. Hunter originally refused to accept responsibility, indicating he didn't know the mother or remember fathering the child because he was too strung-out on drugs at the time. A court later determined he was the father after DNA testing.

Little Navy was shunned by Joe and Jill to such a degree she was deemed unworthy of having a Christmas stocking hung on Grandpa and Grandma's White House fireplace mantle like everyone else at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Including the cat and dog. However, the German Shepherd (Major) had to be removed from the home because he kept biting Secret Service Agents and others. A replacement German Shepherd (Commander), was also removed in mid-2023 for the same reason.

Good grief, even the family pets are loopy. A person has to wonder, how dysfunctional can this outfit get?

That, is the really sad part of the story. Joe may eventually go down in history as having the dual distinction of being the oldest president to hold office, while simultaneously the most nefarious.

In glaring contrast to his overly-hyped campaign chatter presenting himself as the "Great Uniter" -- a trusted and proven political soldier, earning his stripes in the soggy trenches of the D.C. Swamp.

Like most everything Joe's told us over the past 50 years, those tales turned out to be as farcical as his current nonsensical ramblings.

Only now, after drifting hard Left -- tossing the wellbeing of the nation into substantial peril and debt -- he can blame his problems and confused administration on Donald J. Trump. Regardless if evidence shows many of Trump's decisions were more favorable to the economy and security of the country than Joe's.

"It's Trump's fault" excuse has been the repeatedly recycled explanation for the past seven years. Plus, it diverts attention from Joe's disastrous domestic and foreign policies, which are becoming increasingly difficult to comprehend.

His plunging poll numbers are reflective of the public's growing mistrust. When their ability to afford housing, utilities, food and fuel is considerably reduced, maybe it's time to try something more positive.

Mike Bibb
Safford, AZ