Category: Letters to Editor Letters to Editor
Published: 06 December 2023 06 December 2023

While the Immigration issue lingers on and on without solutions, perhaps it's time to consider the "cause" of this massive immigration. Immigration is just the symptom and the cause has never been dealt with.

Unfortunately the cause probably won't ever be because our multinational corporations that do business in foreign countries do so because labor is cheaper there than creating and maintaining jobs for Americans at home, and the health, safety and environmental regulations are minimal at best .

United Fruit Company which later became Chiquita is well remembered for its exploitation, displacement and murder of indigenous peoples in Central American countries for cheap banana production. The CIA was involved, helping to overthrow democratically elected leaders so they could be replaced with leaders more compliant to the needs of big business.

Democratically elected leaders that put their citizens needs first were labeled communist if they dared to stand up to corporate interests and instead implemented reforms to ensure the indigenous communities would not be terrorized. Whenever we fail in our attempts to overthrow democratically elected leaders, we end up placing a strict embargo on their goods.

The citizens are the ones who suffer with no jobs, no income and standing in lines for expensive scarce food. In the vacuum of normalcy, black markets and murderous criminal gangs form, and citizens flee for a better life or actually fearing for their lives.

We then have the audacity to blame their leaders. Perhaps I'm wrong on this, but I think the immigration "problem" would be greatly diminished if our government stayed out of politics in foreign countries. But, then again I don't believe the corporations that run our government would stand for that.

Michael Sauber
Silver City