Category: Politics: Enter at your own risk Politics: Enter at your own risk
Published: 13 July 2020 13 July 2020

Albuquerque – As thousands of New Mexico's families are out of work, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham will prioritize a fundraiser for Joe Biden tomorrow. The event is being called a "Clean Energy Conversation" and participants are encouraged to donate as much as $5,600 to the Biden Campaign in order to hear from Governor Lujan Grisham. The fundraiser takes place when thousands of New Mexicans are worried about their future as controversial health orders mandated by Governor Lujan Grisham take effect.

"Governor Lujan Grisham's priorities are clear: Joe Biden's green agenda comes before her own constituents," said Western States Director Larry Behrens. "While so many New Mexicans are simply worried about finding a job, Governor Lujan Grisham is working full time to audition for her next one."

Governor Lujan Grisham's participation in the fundraiser discussing Biden's radical energy plan is even more ironic considering she dodges questions about his proposal to end development in many parts of New Mexico. It is unclear if the Governor will respond to questions at the fundraiser.

Just last week, Power The Future launched a petition to demand Governor Lujan Grisham respond. To date, nearly 500 New Mexicans have signed on. Those wishing to sign the petition can find it by clicking here.

About Power The Future -

Power The Future is a 501C4 with the mission of offering truth, facts, and research that will enrich the national conversation on energy. Our work is dedicated to energy workers - the men and women who "power the future" through their hard work, sweat, determination, and grit.