Category: Politics: Enter at your own risk Politics: Enter at your own risk
Published: 23 October 2020 23 October 2020

A Vote for Joe Biden Will Kill Tens of Thousands of New Mexico Jobs and Dry Up State's Vital Tax Base

ALBUQUERQUE, OCTOBER 23 — During last night's final presidential debate in Nashville, Joe Biden told America his energy policy would virtually put an end to the oil and gas industry, an industry that's the heartbeat of New Mexico's economy. Oil and gas provides approximately 100,000 direct or related jobs in New Mexico, and that important industry is responsible for bringing in 40% of the state's revenues.

President Trump told the nation that Biden was the reason he ran for president: to fight against his socialist policies and to protect Americans and their freedoms.

Biden exposed a great deal last night about his candidacy and character.

On immigration, Biden said he'd grant citizenship to millions of undocumented workers. President Trump has always supported legal immigration when it comes to citizenship.

When Biden was pressed on taking money from abroad, he said he never took a penny from a foreign government. While he denied he personally took any money, Biden refused to admit that he received such money through his son.

President Trump again made the case for "promises made, promises kept," outshining Joe Biden in a debate that clearly had Trump landing blows against the former Vice President. President Trump displayed his vast accomplishments and outlined an even greater agenda for America, while Joe Biden seemed ineffective, off-balance and often flustered.

The President reminded America he's gotten the job done: a rebounding economy that's brought back millions of jobs recently, a strengthened foreign policy, lower taxes, an impressive record to help minorities and trade deals that put America first. He promoted his criminal justice reforms, how he's helped American families and supported the oil and gas industry.

Trump demonstrated leadership and set the tone when addressing issues. He refuted Biden's constant lies that the President was weak when it comes to COVID-19. Trump addressed his effective COVID-19 responses: stopping travel from China, mobilizing public/private sectors to secure supplies, taking measures to slow the spread of the virus, moving forward toward an effective vaccine and paving the way to reopen America.

Biden said he'd shut down the country to deal with the virus.

Joe Biden's 47 years of blunders were front and center this debate, while Trump convinced voters he would keep leading our Great American Comeback and keep people safe.

The President provided specifics and offered a real vision for the next four years. Biden was vague and provided viewers little direction under a Biden Administration.

Biden appeared weak and continued to promote his radical agenda—one that would raise taxes into the trillions, crush jobs, lead to government-controlled healthcare and worsen a soft-on crime platform. Biden's answers were muddled, and his responses lack clarity or a vision to move our nation forward.

Biden showed he's just not ready to lead.

"Last night Joe Biden showed the nation his radical agenda that will kill America and, in particular, New Mexico," said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. "President Trump scored big in this debate. He told America how the nation has become stronger and prospered during his first four years. He made a powerful case for re-election, while Joe Biden looked confused, and Trump easily exposed his poor record as a politician. America will be destroyed under Biden's socialist policies. President Trump proved he has delivered on his promises and offered a string of successes that have improved American lives, and he'll continue to protect our freedoms and defend our values."