Category: Politics: Enter at your own risk Politics: Enter at your own risk
Published: 18 January 2022 18 January 2022

Lujan Grisham Offers No Bold Initiatives or Solutions and Again Promotes More Wild Spending

Albuquerque, January 18—This afternoon Gov. Lujan Grisham delivered her fourth State of the State Address, again providing no vision or sensible answers to New Mexico's most serious problems.

Lujan Grisham told New Mexicans "we have made so much progress" …"we have gotten a lot done, we've done good work"…and that in the last two years "we haven't lost a step."

As for the future, she noted, "We have the money to do it all...we have unimaginable financial resources."

RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce issued the following statement on the Governor's Address:

"I really don't know which state this Governor thinks she's in. She speaks of successes but fails to admit that New Mexico's economy has been driven into the ground, our education system remains at the bottom, thousands have lost jobs and crime is out of control. She alluded to our budget surplus, but she refuses to credit or even mention the vital oil and gas industry that's responsible for the extra cash in our coffers. Now, she and her progressive friends are set to go on a Democratic spending spree. She talks of tax cuts, but who will pay for those in the end? She wants to toss millions more into education--after spending about $10 billion in education during the past thee years--and New Mexico still sits at 50th in the nation. We need bold reforms - school choice, curbing the power of the teachers unions and getting rid of bad teachers. The dollars have to go to the classrooms. Lujan Grisham has been hiding her head in the sand for years. Today she offered no concrete solutions to our most serious problems. She has no solution for crime and looks the other way as millions are crossing the border illegally bringing COVID into our communities. This governor simply refuses to see that her progressive agendas don't get results. Her answer to everything is to throw more money into government. This is irresponsible and dangerous for our state. This Governor needs to take a serious look at what is happening around New Mexico before taking another band aid approach to fixing our crises."

The Republican Party of New Mexico (RPNM) advances the ideals of individual liberties for the advancement of its citizens and the greater prosperity of our communities throughout New Mexico. Led by an Executive Board and its Chairman, former NM Congressman Steve Pearce, RPNM serves all New Mexicans via its headquarters in Albuquerque and can be contacted at (505) 298-3662.