Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 08 September 2015 08 September 2015

Bayard Police Department

Friday, Sept. 4

Domestic disturbance
Pearl Street
Caller advised that she wants her husband out of there. Officer advised that the male was gone when they arrived/they both had been drinking/negative on anything physical although he did beat up her friend.

Welfare check
Virginia and Watson streets
Caller advised that she heard a female yell “stop” and “help.” Officer advised negative on a domestic, subjects are sitting on the bridge yelling at their dog.

Saturday, Sept. 5

Domestic disturbance
Tom Foy Blvd.
Caller advised that his ex-girlfriend will not get out of his pickup so he could leave. Advised it’s all been verbal. Officer advised everything is okay/male left in his vehicle.

Welfare check
Central Avenue
Caller advised that a male was yelling in distress, “No.”

Loud party
Grant Street
Officer requested four-wheel drive to see what is at the top of the hill/advised that her unit can’t make it.

Sunday, Sept. 6

Welfare check
North Street
Caller requests welcheck on her 3-year-old son who was burned at a picnic earlier and is with his father. Officer advised that they saw the child and it is a small burn/no need for EMS/child is OK.

Monday, Sept. 7

Welfare check
Tom Foy Blvd.
Caller advised that his brother is involved in organized crime and is plotting to kill his little brother. Officer advised that the little brother is hunting deer and the other brother is in
Texas/neither brother is near each other/clear.

Missing persons
Fahey Street
Caller advised that his 14-year-old son left on foot this morning at about 11:30 and has not returned. Officer advised to send EMS for a 13-year-old male having an emotional breakdown/negative lights and siren. Officer advised clear/child has returned and second child was . . .

1101 Tom Foy Blvd.
Caller advised that it occurred yesterday and the CD is ready.

Santa Clara Police Department

Friday, Sept. 4

Weapons fired
W. Lincoln Street
Caller advised six gunshots were heard.

N. Cleveland Street
Caller advised that a small flatbed trailer used to haul motorcycles was stolen last night. Officer advised to cancel as the owner took the trailer, it is not stolen.

Welfare check
N. James Street
Caller advised that a named female is looking for her sister.

Request officer
N. East Street
Caller advised that two named females borrowed her white Nissan Sentra on Tuesday and have failed to return it.

Welfare check
N. Mineral Street
Caller advised that she received a call from her elderly neighbor saying that she is home alone and is scared because she can hear someone pulling on her door. Officer made contact with neighbor and everything is OK/will be checking the area.

Monday, Sept. 7

Loud music
N. Mineral Street
Officer advised negative on any loud music. Advised that this person has called many times on this subject and there has never been loud music.

Welfare check
Fellner Street
Caller advised that a male is lying in the road near a black Tahoe. Officer advised that subjects who assisted the male have him in Bayard and are waiting for an ambulance.

Hurley Police Department

Saturday, Sept. 5

Welfare check
Hurley Catholic Church
Caller advised that a male is walking in the roadway and looks to be on kind of drugs. Officer advised the male was very intoxicated and was just trying to find his way home.

Monday, Sept. 7

Request officer
Bridle Street – Santa Clara
Caller advised that he had a smoker stolen and he believes he knows where it is. Officer advised clear/this will be a supplemental to a burglary that occurred at the same address.