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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
Bayard Police Department
Monday, Sept. 9
Domestic disturbance
Peru Street
Advised that her parents are threatening to take daughter's child away/her parents are at the residence.
Tuesday, Sept. 10
Cobre High School
Teacher was assaulted by student/parents will be notified.
Silver City, NM – GenGreen, powered by The Semilla Project and the Sierra Club: Rio Grande Chapter, is excited to announce its upcoming Town Hall event in Silver City, designed to engage the community in discussions about renewable energy job opportunities, climate action, and sustainable policies. The event will take place on Tuesday, Sept 17th, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Grant County Business and Conference Center.
The GenGreen Town Hall aims to bring together community members, policymakers, and experts to share knowledge, address concerns, and collaboratively shape a sustainable future for New Mexico. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about state, federal, and utility benefits, explore job opportunities in the renewable energy sector, and receive updates on climate and just transition policies.
Project helps reduce wildfire risk to communities
GLENWOOD, NM, Sept. 12, 2024 – The Gila National Forest, Glenwood Ranger District is planning to burn the Sheridan slash disposal site located off Sheridan Ridge Road (Catron County Road 54) between September 16 and October 11, 2024, weather and fire conditions permitting. The objective of this burn is to reduce accumulated biomass from past thinning activities on private lands.
"The Sheridan Slash Disposal Site, located on the Gila National Forest, supports hazardous fuels reduction by allowing free disposal of vegetative materials removed from private property," said Acting Glenwood District Ranger Elizabeth Toney. "The purpose of this and other slash disposal sites on the forest is to support local communities' fuel reduction efforts and to assist Catron County with its Firewise program."
Saturday, September 21st at 9 am – 12 pm at Grant County Community Foundation parking lot
Pick It Up–Toss No Mas invites you to join us in a community-wide cleanup in celebration of World Cleanup Day on Saturday, September 21st, 2024 at the Grant County Community Foundation parking lot from 9am-noon. Join a global clean-up effort of over 15 million volunteers from over 211 different countries who are coming together to clean up their communities. C'mon, let's make the planet a cleaner, greener place to live!
Volunteers should meet at the Grant County Community Foundation parking lot at 1106 North Pope Street, at 9 am on Saturday, September 21st and grab your supplies, including trash bags, gloves, trash pickers, snacks, and free t-shirts for new volunteers. Once you've finished collecting litter, return to the parking lot and drop off all trash and recyclables between 11am and noon. Record your cleanup results and win a prize!
Monday, Sept. 9
Welfare check
N. Swan Street
Made contact with (redacted) off a welcheck who seemed concerned for her neighbor who had a sudden change in behavior and not paying her bills. (Redacted) was issued a CTW for this address.
Hermana Street – Arenas Valley
Caller states the female was yelling and threatening her and her dog/female accused caller of killing her kids/she won't stop coming outside and yelling. Deputy spoke with (redacted) and everything is okay.
Unattended death
Wilson Road – Lower Mimbres
Daughter found female who died in her sleep.
An update to the Nde benah Poster sale item on Paypal and wanted to share the new link.
Thank you to those who have purchased one already! If you would like to buy multiples, please email me at
The posters are also available for purchase at our current exhibit at Light Art Space Gallery in Silver City, NM.
Monday, Sept. 9
Welfare check
N. Gold Street
Male lying on the pavement/possibly in his 60s/small cut on forehead.
Welfare check
301 N. Bullard Street
A named male is lying on the sidewalk.
Unwanted subject
505 N. Hudson Street
Male is sitting out on the steps. Officer – indefinite trespass to Ernest Lopez for SWAG store.
Construction on new parking lot to begin Monday, September 16
SILVER CITY, NM, Sept. 12, 2024 – The Gila National Forest, Silver City Ranger District is enlarging the parking area at Dragonfly Trailhead beginning Monday, September 16. The improvements will increase parking capacity at this popular trail destination.
"We're excited about this project, which will not only help meet parking demand at one of our most popular trailheads but will also better support use for events proposed by the public," said Silver City District Ranger Elizabeth Toney. "Over the next couple of weeks, visitors might prefer to use a different access point for the Fort Bayard area trails, due to the presence of heavy equipment at Dragonfly Trailhead during construction."
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