Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 19 February 2020 19 February 2020

hornedtoadHorned Lizards: Natural History, Conservation Concerns and Citizen Science Efforts

SWNM Audubon’s Free Monthly Program, Friday, March 6 at 7pm

Location: Harlan Hall, WNMU Campus, Silver City, SW Corner of 12th and Kentucky Streets

Emily Pollom will be presenting on the natural history, conservation concerns, and citizen science efforts for horned lizards. A charismatic icon of the American Southwest, these lizards actually range from Canada throughout Mexico. They are highly adapted for survival in a variety of environments but face threats such as invasive ants, insecticide use, and habitat loss. Please join us to learn about what might be America's favorite lizard and what we can do to support them!  

Emily grew up in Kentucky but since graduating with a degree in Conservation Biology in 2009, has traveled through the US contributing to different research projects ranging from roseate tern restoration in New England to bald eagle conservation in Arizona. She now calls Silver City her home and is enjoying delving into the ecology and conservation needs of New Mexico's flora and fauna.