Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 04 September 2023 04 September 2023

Bayard Police Department

Welfare check
Poplar Street
Caller’s 82-year-old mother called caller’s brother advising she was stuck in a chair. Officer made contact with mother and she is requesting an ambulance for hip pain/officer called caller back.

Diamond Street
Caller advised her named neighbor followed her home and was yelling and cursing at her in front of her kids saying she ran the stop sign/this is an ongoing thing. Deputy advised made contact with caller.

Unwanted subject
Poplar Street
Advised a named male is lying down in his bed and is refusing to leave/he just wants to go to sleep. Officer advised knocked several times/male turned off all the lights and will not answer the door.

Saturday, Aug. 2

N. Franey Street
Caller advised he received a call saying the door to his residence was wide open/caller is on scene and the door is wide open.

Sunday, Aug. 3

Welfare check
Coffey Street
Caller advised her neighbor is banging very loudly on the wall they share together. Officer spoke with both parties and they promised to keep the peace for the next few days.

Hurley Police Department

Friday, Aug. 1

Domestic disturbance
D and 3rd streets
Officer advised en route with one juvie/advised needs a deputy in reference to juvie stating stepdad hit him and put his knee to his throat/no signs of abuse/CYFD and HPD en route to a North Hurley Road address to drop off the juvie. Lt. (Redacted) was made aware of the situation.

Lea Drive
Was approached by a female stating she is having issues with a named male and is requesting an officer respond to her address.

Santa Clara Police Department

Friday, Aug. 1

Weapons fired
E. Oak and S. Bellm streets
Caller advised she heard a mountain lion in the area in the creek/believed it was attacking a dog/then heard four shots. Deputy advised on foot at a Bellm Street address/made contact with a neighbor who advised she heard shots/negative contact.

500 S. Prescott Street
Caller advised a named female is being combative/she is intoxicated and has a beer in her hand.

Saturday, Aug. 2

Unwanted subject
Manhattan Park Drive
Two men are digging by the road on caller’s property. Officer spoke to both parties/everything is okay.

Weapons fired
Pine Street
Caller advised her neighbors are shooting at her dogs/they have done this in the past/they have damaged her vehicle in the past/unknown if it is a BB gun or regular gun. Officer out at location and another Pine Street address.

Welfare check
Hutchinson Street
Caller from NM Poison Control advised a 14-month-old female ingested unknown amount of THC/recommended child be taken to ER/unknown if child was taken in. Officer advised made contact/child appears to be okay.

Aggravated assault
Santa Clara carwash
Caller advised a named male and two others pulled a handgun out on him/caller took off running. Officer ATL/out at a James Street address.

Sunday, Aug. 3

Domestic disturbance
Aguilar Street
Officer advised giving a male a ride home to an E Street address/also giving an intoxicated female a ride home/en route back to location with female/arrived on scene/there was a female and a male on the side . . .

11988 Highway 180
Female putting items in her purse/she is at the register. Officer re-issued the female an indefinite CTW.