Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 02 August 2013 02 August 2013

Washington, DC (August 2, 2013) – Responding to concerns from New Mexicans over the outright lack of accountability in Washington, U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce this week voted on a series of bills designed to hold government accountable.
“One of the most frequent complaints I hear across New Mexico  is that the federal government’s zero accountability policy is abysmal,” said Pearce.  “It is appalling, but not a fireable offense, for a government employee to use their high position to target citizens for their political beliefs, as we’ve seen at the IRS.  It is appalling, but not fireable, for General Services Administration officials to flagrantly disregard the law and waste nearly a million taxpayer dollars on a Las Vegas conference.  In fact, such officials get month-long paid vacations and hefty retirement packages, all on the taxpayer dime.  This week, the House worked to bring back the accountability that is lacking in Washington.  Citizens must always have control, and no government employee should ever be exempt from accountability.”
Pearce supported the following bills, which passed the House:
H.R. 2565, the STOP IRS Act, which will allow termination of an IRS employee for “Performing, delaying, or failing to perform (or threatening to perform, delay, or fail to perform) any official action (including any audit) with respect to a taxpayer for purpose of extracting personal gain or benefit for a political purpose.”  Rep. Pearce has been an outspoken critic of the IRS’ crimes for political purposes, and has advocated for legislation to prevent future crimes and hold accountable those responsible.
H.R. 2879, The Stop Government Abuse Act, which allows federal agencies to place employees on investigative leave for misconduct, negligence of duty, malfeasance, or misappropriation of funds, and to remove or suspend that employee if deemed necessary.  This ensures that government employees are not shielded from appropriate action if they abuse or neglect their position.   The bill also allows individuals to record any in-person or telephone interaction with an Executive branch agency.  This bill would allow greater transparency and accountability as citizens interact with the federal government
H.R. 1660, the Government Customer Service Improvement Act, which calls for government-wide standards for customer service delivery, so that taxpayers receive the best possible service from the government.  Rep. Pearce’s office regularly acts on behalf of constituents who have not received attention or solutions they need.
H.R. 313, the Government Spending and Accountability Act, which implements restrictions, requirements, and a spending cap for government conferences.   
H.R. 2768, the Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act
H.R. 2769, the Stop Playing on Citizen’s Cash Act