Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 02 February 2015 02 February 2015

WASHINGTON - Today, U.S. Senator Tom Udall, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement about President Obama's FY2016 budget proposal. The president's proposal will be reviewed by Congress, which writes and sets the actual spending levels through its annual appropriations process.

"New Mexicans were hit hard by the Great Recession, and I am doing everything I can as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee to ensure our state has the resources to recover. That means investing in working families - in improving education, spurring innovation, and building and repairing infrastructure to create jobs so everyone can get ahead - not just get by. I'm glad to see these also are the goals of the president's budget, and I urge Congress to put aside partisan conflicts and work together to move our country forward.

"One of the president's most important proposals is to eliminate the across-the-board sequestration budget cuts, which have had a devastating impact in New Mexico. Unless Congress takes action, sequestration cuts will go back into effect in the next fiscal year. Instead of blunt cuts to important programs, we need to make smart budget decisions that allow investment without punishing struggling communities.

"When it comes to New Mexico programs, including the national labs, WIPP and military bases, the president's budget is a starting point. With a few exceptions, I'm pleased with the administration's proposal so far, but ultimately, the actual funding will be up to Congress. I'm prepared to fight to ensure the labs get the funding they need to continue their important national security and scientific work and to ensure that WIPP has the resources to continue recovery efforts so it can reopen safely and enable cleanup at Los Alamos to be completed."

Please contact the Udall press office for more information about specific budget line items.