Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 02 February 2015 02 February 2015

Washington, D.C. - Today the White House released President Obama's budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2016 - a budget that never balances and promises more of the same failed tax-and-spend policies that have led to a crushing $18 Trillion National Debt. In response, U.S. Representative Steve Pearce issued the following statement:

"President Obama has not listened to the message sent by voters last November. Americans want a solution that addresses the $18 Trillion in National Debt we currently owe. That's at least $55,000 on the back of every man, woman and child. The President's way is to compel the U.S. Treasury to print more money to make his budget schemes work. History shows that printing money is the last resort of failed governments -- and it punishes the hard working middle class by eroding the value of their paycheck. It's wrong, it's immoral, and it must be stopped.

Pearce continued: "Americans don't want more taxing, spending, and borrowing. Last November, they rejected those policies; they want the Federal Government to balance its budget just as they must do. Remarkably, the President's budget does the exact opposite: it includes a $2.4 trillion spending increase, a $2.1 trillion tax increase, and adds $8.5 trillion to the National Debt. The President's proposal is another worn-out page from the past.

"I will continue to fight for common sense budget solutions that rein in spending, lower taxes and balance our budget in the next ten years. The answer is not more costly Big Government programs as the President is proposing, it's more jobs, more opportunity and more fiscal responsibility," added Pierce.

Key Facts: The President's FY 2016 Budget

Tax Increases