Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 31 March 2017 31 March 2017

ALBUQUERQUE 'Today, on C+¬sar Ch+ívez Day, U.S. Senator Tom Udall, a member of the Senate Democratic Hispanic Task Force, cosponsored a resolution honoring the life and legacy of the legendary civil rights leader. He issued the following statement:

"Today we honor the legacy and achievements of C+¬sar Ch+ívez, a true American civil rights hero. Ch+ívez dedicated his life to bettering the lives of others, fighting tirelessly to improve conditions for farm workers throughout the nation. As he organized to secure fair pay and fair treatment, Ch+ívez's persistence, hard work, and deep commitment to social justice paved the way for a better future for working people everywhere. Ch+ívez is a hero to me and many other New Mexicans who admire his faith in our ability to unify and bring about social change in the face of injustice.

"C+¬sar Ch+ívez said that 'preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.' Those words are salient today. Hateful rhetoric demonizing the diversity of this nation ' particularly Latinos and immigrants ' should have no place in our politics or the governance of our nation. We must continue to fight hate by building gateways ' not walls. Ch+ívez's legacy inspires me to do everything I can in the Senate to elevate the causes he believed in, by pushing for measures that genuinely help America's workers and families no matter where they were born. I will continue to fight for policies like a fair minimum wage, equal pay for equal work, comprehensive immigration reform and the rights of DREAMers to support families and ensure that everyone who works hard has a fair shot at living the American Dream."

Tomorrow, April 1, at 9:30 a.m. MT, Udall will pay tribute to the enduring contributions of Ch+ívez and his United Farm Workers Union cofounder Dolores Huerta at the 24th annual C+¬sar Ch+ívez Day celebration and naming ceremony for Dolores Huerta South Valley Gateway Park in Albuquerque. Udall will give remarks honoring the work of Huerta and Ch+ívez to improve the lives of farm workers, union members, teachers and women.

Saturday, April 1, 2017
WHAT: Udall to speak at the 24th annual C+¬sar Ch+ívez Day celebration and naming ceremony for Dolores Huerta Gateway Park
TIME: Approximately 9:30 a.m. MT
WHERE: Dolores Huerta Gateway Park (SE Corner of Bridge & Isleta Blvd.)
100 Isleta Blvd SW
Albuquerque, NM