Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 29 December 2017 29 December 2017

Washington, DC (December 29, 2017) Congressman Steve Pearce today released the following statement after the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced its decision to rescind their hydraulic fracturing rule in an effort to reduce burdensome federal regulations that hinder energy development and economic growth:

"I applaud the BLM today for putting the American economy and taxpayer first by rescinding this unnecessary regulation. Many of these Obama-era environmental rules were duplicative in nature and made in order solely to cripple energy production on federal lands. This doesn't better preserve our environment, but cuts off sources of revenues for states like New Mexico who rely on the production and development of resources to support our teachers, infrastructure, and more. From the very beginning, federal courts declared that the BLM did not have the proper authority to regulate hydraulic fracturing on public lands. By rescinding the rule altogether, the BLM upholds the rule of law and moves the nation closer towards becoming less reliant on foreign energy production. With that, New Mexico can once again have the opportunity to become a leader in energy development."

On June 21, 2016, the U.S. District Court of Wyoming issued a final rule blocking the hydraulic fracturing rule from being implemented, stating the BLM doesn't have proper authority to do so without congressional action. This decision by the BLM to publish a final rule rescinding the hydraulic fracturing rule follows Executive Order 13771 that requires agencies to reduce regulatory compliance costs. To view the announcement by BLM on the final rule, click here.