Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 17 September 2019 17 September 2019

WASHINGTON – Today, the Udall family issued the following statement announcing the passing of their brother Scott Sterling Udall. Scott Udall is survived by his siblings U.S. Senator Tom Udall (D-N.M.), Lynn Udall, Lori Udall, Denis Udall and Jay Udall.

“We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of our beloved brother, Scott Sterling Udall.  

“In his youth, Scott was a mountain climber, outdoorsman, writer and storyteller. While living in Banff, Canada he climbed many major peaks, including the North Face of Mount Assiniboine, Mount Fay and Mount Athabasca in British Columbia and Alberta. He also climbed in the Tetons and mountains near Flagstaff.

“Despite struggling with mental illness his entire adult life, Scott embraced a life of dignity, generosity and compassion. Scott was generous to a fault and often gave his last dollar to those less fortunate. He constantly befriended strangers and left a legacy of charity, humor and friendship to those who knew him.

“We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the many people in Flagstaff who, over the years, extended a helping hand to Scott, listened to him, and appreciated him for who he was. Scott’s memory will live on in the countless people whose lives he touched, and we will forever be grateful to call him our brother.”