Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 20 February 2020 20 February 2020

Still no novel coronavirus cases in New Mexico; flu cases rising nationally

SANTA FE– The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) warns residents flu remains a more significant illness to be concerned about in the state than novel coronavirus.

The Department of Health continues to monitor and respond to both the annual flu season and the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. There remains no case of the coronavirus in the state. Flu and respiratory virus season, however, continues with many cases still being reported at New Mexico’s clinics and hospitals.

“Coronavirus still needs to be cause for heightened awareness for medical providers, but flu and respiratory illnesses needs to be the focus for residents,” said NMDOH Cabinet Secretary Kathy Kunkel. “Flu is the more pressing health risk in our state right now.”

Nationally, flu cases are increasing while in New Mexico we are still in the middle of the influenza season. The best way still to avoid flu and flu-related illness is to get the flu vaccination every year and practice common sense habits like washing your hands frequently and covering your mouth when you’re sick and have to cough.

The Department of Health continues to ask any persons returning from China to call our 24/7/365 “Epidemiology Hotline” at 505-827-0006 for guidance on how to protect yourself and your community from the novel coronavirus, even if you are not sick. Healthcare professionals who suspect COVID-19 should immediately notify infection control personnel at their facility and contact NMDOH at that same hotline number.

Information for coronavirus is being updated often. Please consult the CDC website on 2019-nCoV for the most up to date information.

Also, check with your health care provider about flu vaccines. Even if you’ve already had the flu this season, getting a flu shot can still help prevent getting sick again with another strain. To find out more about flu vaccination clinics throughout New Mexico, you can go to HealthMap Vaccine Finder or go to the NMDOH website: