Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 04 March 2021 04 March 2021

Gallup, NM—Gallup MainStreet Arts & Cultural District has launched a new project to beautify the downtown corridor where construction for Coal Avenue Commons is taking place. Situated between 2nd and 3rd Streets on Coal Avenue, four local artists have been selected to install temporary artworks on the construction fencing. The works will be installed in mid-March and will remain on view through mid-May, or until the construction project wraps up this spring.  

Artists were asked to come up with projects that reflect the art and culture of our region and that are inspired by themes of resilience and revitalization. “We’re excited to be able to support  these dynamic, thoughtful artist-led projects that represent different approaches to the themes,” says executive director Kara Q. Smith. “They will not only brighten our built environment but they paint a picture of our community and give us something to look forward to, which we really need right now.”  

About the artist projects: 

Jerry Brown will use strips of canvas painted the colors of the rainbow to weave into the fence in an abstract pattern. Titled Weaving a Community of Colors, the artist seeks to represent the diversity of people and cultural traditions in Gallup into one unified piece.  

Jason John will weave a large-scale painting of Navajo elders speaking to children into the fence using wooden slats. Viewers walking along the fence will encounter snippets of conversation from Diné teachings about enduring hardships.  

Brandy Lee will create a crocheted tableau of flowers symbolizing that no matter how harsh a Winter our beautiful community endures. Titled The People’s Garden, passersby will be  encouraged to attach flowers to the installation to contribute to the final piece. 

Orin Nez will utilize references to Navajo weaving techniques and Navajo symbolism to surround the phrase "Nih'dé'neh Na'nízhoozhí,” which roughly translates to “get up Gallup.” Titled seeds of strength, the artist hopes to inspire a bounce-back communally, culturally, and  commercially. 

Viewers may view the works by simply taking a stroll downtown or visiting