Key Renewable Energy Bill Introduced

Santa Fe – Today, the sponsors of House Bill 426, the Renewable Energy Transmission Authority


House Democrats Repeal “Antiquated” Law Protecting Life

New Mexico Democrats Work to Ensure “Status Quo” Abortions Continue

SANTA FE – House Democrats


RPNM applauds Republican state representatives for vigorous opposition to HB 51

After a three-hour debate, House Bill 51 passed the full house last night by a vote of 40 yea, 29


Bill to Decriminalize Abortion Passes House, Heads to the Senate for Consideration

Santa Fe – Today, a bill to decriminalize abortion advanced in the House Chambers. House Bill 51,


Bill to Prepare Social Work Professionals Advances

Santa Fe – Today, a bill to ensure social workers are educated to work with Native American


Rep. Roberto “Bobby” Gonzales Gets Traditional Historic Community Qualifications Act Signed into Law

Santa Fe, NM – As part of the “Rocket Docket”, Rep. Roberto “Bobby” Gonzales (D-Ranchos de Taos) passed


Bill to Promote Computer Science Education Passes House Committee

Santa Fe – Today, a bill to promote computer science education and professional development for


Dental Therapy Legislation Clears First Hurdle in New Mexico

Passes House Health and Human Services Committee Unanimously

SANTA FE, NM – Today, lawmakers on the


Voters Send Clear Message: No Tax Increases

House Republicans Call on Democrats to Listen to Voters and Stop Tax Increase Proposals

SANTA FE – Voters


RPNM Roundup at the Roundhouse



Rep. Anthony Allison Introduces Bill to Diversify the Four Corners Economy

Santa Fe, NM – Today, Representative Anthony Allison (D-Fruitland) filed legislation, House Bill


Reps. Chatfield and Rehm Introduce Bill to Ensure All School Buses Have Seat Belts

SANTA FE – Ensuring the safety of New Mexico’s students is the goal of House Bill 265 (HB 265)


Bill to Ensure New Mexicans are Paid a Fair Wage for a Hard Day’s Work Advances

Santa Fe – Today, a bill to ensure New Mexicans are paid a fair wage for a hard day’s work


Bill to Protect New Mexico’s Strategic Water Reserve Advances

Santa Fe – Today, a bill to protect New Mexico’s strategic water reserve advanced in the House


Legislation would close down childcare centers

Other legislation would keep them open

 ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – A new bill introduced in the New Mexico


Governor Lujan Grisham, Sen. Carlos Cisneros Announce Legislation

Boosting Funding from the Small Business Investment Corporation

SANTA FE — Gov. Michelle Lujan


Governor Lujan Grisham, Agency Leaders, Legislative Sponsors Introduce, Tout Outdoor Recreation Bill

SANTA FE — Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Tuesday announced bipartisan legislation that would


Roundup at the Round House 020519

Republican Roundup


Senate Bill 459


Bill to Provide Financial Assistance for Students at Santa Fe Community College Advances

Santa Fe – Today, a bill to make community colleges and technical schools more affordable passed


House Democrats Latest Effort Aims to Strip Law Abiding New Mexicans of 2nd Amendment Rights

Democrats Again Limit Public Testimony, Including Testimony from New Mexico Sheriffs

SANTA FE – House


Legislation to Protect New Mexicans’ Private Information Passes House Committee

Santa Fe, N.M. – Today, the House State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs Committee passed a


Rep. Debbie Armstrong’s Bill to Improve Access to Contraception Heads to House Floor for Consideration

Santa Fe – Today, a bill sponsored by Rep. Debbie Armstrong (D-Albuquerque) that would improve


House Democrats Celebrate First ‘Hope They Forget’ Friday

Democrats Cram Unpopular Legislation into A Single Day

SANTA FE – Denying textbooks to all


Governor Lujan Grisham, Legislative Leaders, Representatives of Both Parties Celebrate ‘Rocket Docket’ Passage and Bill Signing

img 8355SANTA FE — Capping a brisk and diligent first few weeks of the legislative session, and signaling


Republican-sponsored legislation signed into law today

Governor Lujan Grisham signed into law today several important bills sponsored by House


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