Three things you should know, according to the NM GOP

1) Anti-2A Bills Flying Thru Committee
The following anti-gun legislation is scheduled to be heard


Bill to Move New Mexico Closer to One Person, One Vote Passes House Floor, Moves to Senate for Consideration

Santa Fe – Today, the National Popular Vote bill passed the House Floor. This bill would move New


Bill to Raise Minimum Wage and Improve New Mexicans’ Quality of Life Advances Second Committee, Heads to House Floor for Consideration

Santa Fe – Today, a bill to increase the minimum wage passed the House Commerce & Economic


Bill to Decriminalize Abortion Advances House Judiciary Committee, Heads to House Floor for Consideration

Advocates, community members join together once again to share support for the bill, personal


Republican Roundhouse report for Feb. 1, 2019

1. THE JOB-KILLING DEMOCRATS PUSH TO RAISE MINIMUM WAGE – and hurt our recovering economy....

Publication of Capital Outlay Information Bill Passes the House of Representatives Unanimously

Santa Fe, NM – Today, House Bill 262, Publication of Capital Outlay Information, sponsored by


House Democrats Fight Against School Books for All New Mexico Children

Democrats have $300 Million for Hollywood and $100,000 for ‘clowning,’ yet Vote Against Money for


Statement from Rep. Andrea Romero On House Bill 437

Santa Fe, NM – Today, Representative Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe) issued the following statement


Bill to Use Criminal Justice Data to Work Smarter Passes House Committee

Santa Fe, N.M. – Today, the House State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs Committee passed a


Bills considered or passed today in the NM Legislative session 2019

HB 267, a bill to implement Criminal Justice Reforms, will heard by the House State Government,


Bill to Provide More Opportunities for New Mexico Teachers Advances

Santa Fe – Today, a bill to provide financial aid for students who want to become teachers passed in


House Republicans Call For Apology Over Derogatory Comments About Private Schools

SANTA FE – House Republicans are calling on Representative Damon Ely (D-Corrales) to apologize for the


Governor Lujan Grisham, Sen. Rodriguez Announce Bill to Ensure Thriving Future for New Mexico Film Industry by Removing Rebate Cap

img 8000SANTA FE -- Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday unveiled Senate Bill 2, which will reinvigorate and


Governor Lujan Grisham, Representative Nathan Small Announce Renewable Portfolio Standard Legislation

SANTA FE -- On the heels of signing an executive order that set New Mexico on a bold new path to


Bill to Make Home Energy Efficiency Improvements More Accessible to New Mexicans Passes First Committee

Santa Fe – Today, the House Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Committee passed a bill


Rep. Joseph Sanchez’s Bill to Help Families of Missing Persons Passes House Floor Unanimously

Named the “Mark Daniel Aguilar Information Sharing Requirement”

Santa Fe – Today, Rep. Joseph


Rocket Docket Bills Pass the House

Santa Fe, NM – Today, the New Mexico House of Representatives passed the Senate “Rocket Docket” bills


Rep. Lente’s Bill to Improve Native American Student Success Heads to Governor’s Desk

Santa Fe, N.M. – Today, Rep. Derrick Lente’s (D-Sandia Pueblo) bill that would improve Native


Rep. Rubio Works to Make Roads Safer for Bicyclists

Santa Fe, NM – Today, a bill sponsored by Representative Angelica Rubio (D-Las Cruces) and Senator


Pregnant Workers’ Protection Passes

Rep. Chasey’s Bill to Expand Human Rights Act Advances

Santa Fe – Today, the House Labor, Veterans


House Democrats Abandon Massive Tax Increase Bill to Be Replaced by New Massive Tax Increase Bill

Democrats Promise to Bring New Tax Increase “In a few weeks”

SANTA FE – Meet the new plan, same as


Rep. Christine Chandler Stands Up For Workers

Rep. Chandler prepares for her prevailing wage to head to first committee

Santa Fe –


Rep. Christine Trujillo’s Bill to Eliminate the “Tampon Tax” Advances

Bill would reduce the tax burden for women who buy feminine hygiene products

Santa Fe – Today, a


PASSED: Legislation to Protect Survivors and Witnesses

Santa Fe, NM – Today, the House passed a bill sponsored by Representative Dayan Hochman-Vigil


PASSED: Legislation to Reform Lobbyist Reporting

Santa Fe, NM – Today, the House Chamber passed a bill sponsored by Representative Christine


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