A Statement from Senator Greg Baca

[Editor's Note: This is a statement in rebuttal to an accusation from another member of the Senate


Austin Rainer Hilkemeyer, 27, of Silver City, NM

austinAustin Rainer Hilkemeyer, 27, of Silver City, New Mexico died Tuesday, February 9 after suffering a


Grant County Sheriff's Office blotter – Feb. 8 through Feb. 11, 2021

Monday, Feb. 8

Highway 61 – Lower Mimbres
Caller advised she heard four shots/her


New Mexico COVID-19 update: 407 new cases, totaling 179,724 - 021221

Twenty-three additional COVID-19 deaths

SANTA FE – New Mexico state health officials on Friday


Silver City Police Department blotter – Feb. 8 through Feb. 11, 2021

Monday, Feb. 8

Unwanted subject
E. 12th Street
A named female called him advising that a named male


Winter Storm Watch Saturday through Sunday 02-13-14-2021

winter storm watch 0213 1421A Winter Storm System brings significant amounts of snow to the Sacramento Mountains, the Otero Mesa,


Pictures of deportation are part of America’s story

By Abe Villarreal

We all want to more about what people were thinking in black and white photos. The


Governor Shutters Socorro County Restaurants Days before Valentine's Day Weekend

Senator Joshua Sanchez, Representative Gail Armstrong Respond

SANTA FE – On Wednesday, Governor


BP officers seize unusual contraband

By Roger Lanse

According to a press release, U.S. Border Patrol agents and associated agricultural


NM top state emergency management official issues warning about severe weekend weather

SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management is urging New


The Key to Dialogue Is Perspective

If we are going to judge people for their behavior, we must put it in perspective. The perspective must


Wizard of Id Comic for February 12, 2021


BY: Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

B.C. Comic for February 12, 2021


BY: Mason Mastroianni, Mick Mastroianni, and Johnny Hart

Prescribed Burning Act Unanimously Passes House Floor

Bill allows prescribed burns for forest management in New Mexico

Santa Fe, N.M. – Legislation


Raul Salcido Sr., 84, a resident of Hurley, NM

raulsalcidoRaul L. Salcido, 84, a resident of Hurley, NM entered eternal rest Friday, February 5, 2021 at his


Valentine’s Day Reading of The Princess and the Warrior for Museum’s Bilingual Storytime, with Xochitl and Kendra

On Sunday, February 14 at 7pm, join Silver City Independent Editor Kendra Milligan and artist and


Environment Department launches webform reporting tool for employers 

New webform will ensure robust workplace safety practices in place, save employers time

In an


New Mexico Senate Votes to Repeal Abortion Law

Senate Republicans Respond

SANTA FE – Following a lengthy debate in which Senate Democrats refused to


Gov. Lujan Grisham to head to D.C. for White House meeting

SANTA FE – Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham will fly Thursday to Washington, D.C., at the invitation of


Cat Diagnosed with Plague in Los Alamos County

SANTA FE-- The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) reports a cat has been diagnosed with


NMSU passport office reopens, expands hours

The Passport Acceptance Facility at New Mexico State University has reopened to the public with


Republican Party of New Mexico Statement on Today'S Passage of Abortion Bill Sb-10 by the New Mexico Senate

Albuquerque, February 11--The New Mexico Senate this afternoon passed SB-10, a radical extension of


Environment Department to host quarterly Los Alamos community engagement meeting on February 25

The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) will host a virtual Los Alamos community engagement meeting


SCCT's 2021 Annual Meeting March 16, 2021

Silver City Community Theatre (SCCT) Annual Meeting -- this time on Zoom! -- will be March 16, at


RPNM shares thought on Black History Month from black pastor

During this Black History Month, RPNM wants to share some thoughts and observations from our C-4


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