SANTA FE, NM – The New Mexico State Parks Division is being recognized by the National Safe Boating Council as a valuable partner in organizing and smoothly executing the 2024 International Boating and Water Safety Summit (IBWSS) held the week of April 8th at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Albuquerque.

“New Mexico State Parks set the bar high demonstrating what a difference a strong state partner makes in hosting our International Boating and Water Safety Summit,” said Peg Phillips, Executive Director National Safe Boating Council (NSBC). “Manuel Overby and his team were just phenomenal from conference planning, arranging speakers, connecting with local dignitaries, and driving attendance. We are so grateful for their partnership.”

The IBWSS is hosted by the National Safe Boating Council, in partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard, and brings together boating and water safety industry professionals to network and learn about the latest in boating and water safety to save lives globally.

“We’re honored that New Mexico, and the State Parks Division could contribute to the great success of this year’s summit,” said Toby Velasquez, Director NM State Parks. “Our work with the National Safe Boating Council is more than a partnership. It’s a collaboration that helps save lives in New Mexico and around the world. We are proud that our Chief of Law Enforcement and Boating Safety, Manuel Overby, and division staff were instrumental in the planning and implementation of such an important training event highlighting recreating safely and responsibly on the water.”

According to the NSBC, 240 people from nine countries attended the IBWSS this year, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Italy, Japan, Nigeria, United Kingdom, and United States. Many long-time attendees remarked that it was the best summit they've ever been to!

The event, which took place during the week of April 8-11 preceded National Safe Boating Week which is May 21–27 this year.  National Safe Boating Week, also sponsored by the NSBC, focuses on preventing on-the-water experiences turning into tragedy, drawing attention to the number of preventable deaths in boating-related incidents. Last year 10 people died in boating related incident in New Mexico. It’s a stark reminder that life jackets save lives! Wear it! Chalecos Salvavidas Salvan Vidas, Usalos!

Your New Mexico State Parks also offers free boating safety courses in-person around the state and online. All motorboat, personal watercraft, and sailboat operators born on or after January 1, 1989, must successfully complete a boating safety course to boat in New Mexico. Call 1-888-NMPARKS (1-888-667-2757) or visit for details.

If you are interested in attending the IBWSS in Glendale, Arizona on April 14-17, 2025, log onto for registration information. 

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