Bayard pharmaceutical disposal RS(From Left to right) Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition Coordinator Michael McGee and founding Coalition member Kendra Milligan, present Bayard Dispatcher Judy Diaz and Bayard Chief of Police Willy Kerin with the new MedReturn kiosk so residents can safely dispose of over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Also, YSAPC was donated an electronic platform scale to weigh the disposed of medications before being turned over to the DEA for destruction.Bayard, New Mexico: Prescription drug disposal is the newest service offered at the Bayard Public Safety Building, located at 801 Central Ave. Situated in the building's foyer, the bright green MedReturn kiosk offers convenient disposal for over-the-counter and prescription drugs to the public, available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Bayard Police Chief Willy Kerin says, "Routinely, our office receives calls from the public on how to dispose of prescriptions after a family member with a long-term illness has passed away. This kiosk is the answer to everyone's prayers for safe disposal."

The prescription drug disposal kiosk was made possible by a community effort led by Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (YSAPC), the City of Bayard and the Bayard Police Department. This is the second medication disposal kiosk to be installed in Grant County, the first located in Silver City at 1106 N. Pope St.

The MedReturn kiosk was installed in time to celebrate National Drug Take Back Day. Last year more than 2,000 pounds of unused or expired prescription drugs were collected in southern New Mexico, of about the 5,700 pounds collected in the entire state.

Chief Kerin urges the public to make use of the new disposal kiosk, "Don't flush any unused medications down the toilet or throw them out in the trash, they can get in the water table or eaten by animals."

In the most recent Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey, a national self-reported survey of healthy and not-so-healthy behaviors of youth, 22 percent of Grant County High School students reported taking a prescription drugs without a prescription, significantly higher than the New Mexico average of 14 percent. In most cases, teens are getting these medications from family, friends or stealing them from unsecured medicine cabinets.

YSAPC Coordinator, Michael McGee says, "What we are trying to do with these kiosks is make this a safer community to raise our youth in by taking prescription medications that aren't needed, out of medicine cabinets and off counter tops where our youth are getting ahold of them, and give the community a safe place to dispose of them."

The new disposal kiosk removes any chance of future misuse or pollution since the medications are destroyed using U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) protocols. The disposed of medications will be counted and weighed on a new scale that was also donated to the Bayard Police Department by the YSAPC.

McGee adds, "It's very exciting to get to work with the Bayard Police Department to help get these prescription drugs off our streets and out of the hands of our youth. We are making a definite positive impact with the kiosk in Silver City, and we hope to accomplish the same with this one in the Mining District."

Residents can dispose of the following items at the kiosk: prescription drugs, prescription patches, prescription medications, prescription ointments, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, samples, and medications for pets.

The Kiosk doesn't accept needles/sharps, inhalers, hydrogen peroxide, aerosol cans or medical waste. Sharps and needles can be disposed of at the Grant County Public Health office, 2610 N. Silver St.

Chief Kerin adds, "We hope residents from Santa Clara, Hurley, Vanadium and Mimbres make use of the disposal program since this location is closer to their homes."

The YSAPC is a program of the Town of Silver City, funded by a grant from the New Mexico Office of Substance Abuse Prevention. It is composed of 25 service providers and invested community members dedicated to creating an environment that cultivates healthy productive lifestyles through policy and advocacy change that promotes resilient and empowered youth.

For more information on the new MedReturn kiosk call Bayard Police Department at (575) 537-3312. For more information on the YSAPC call (575) 597-7118 or email:

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