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June, 2024
  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Kimmi Bitter – Full Band  ::  Arts & Music

    Centered around the vein of old-school country with a touch of the swinging sixties, Kimmi Bitter and the Westside Twang are here to transport you on a retro journey into the year 1962 through their nostalgic songs. “The future of ...   

    Location  Whiskey Creek Zócalo

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Era Snow & Cuerdas   ::  Arts & Music

    Era Snow is a singer-songwriter originally from Ruidoso, New Mexico. Her music has been described as sultry, soothing, and hypnotic. Ranging between various genres, she translates covers into her lullaby, trance-like style and performs her collection of original music. Full new release:    

    Location  Whiskey Creek Zócalo

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Kara Granger – Full Band  ::  Arts & Music

    Kara Grainger is an Australian soul blues and roots rock singer-songwriter, based out of Nashville, Tennessee. She played with the Papa Lips band starting in 1994. In 1998, they were awarded the "Best New Band" award at the Australian Blues ...   

    Location  Whiskey Creek Zócalo

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Larry & Joe Appalachian Folk and Traditional Venezuelan Fusion  ::  Arts & Music

    Larry & Joe were destined to make music together. As a duo they perform a fusion of Venezuelan and Appalachian folk music on harp, banjo, cuatro, fiddle, maracas, guitar, upright bass, and whatever else they decide to throw in the ...   

    Location  Whiskey Creek Zócalo

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Katie Mae and the Lubrication   ::  Arts & Music

    Katie Mae is an independent songwriter playing shows both solo and with her band, the Lubrication. Featuring Katie Mae’s signature sultry vocals, Nasty Nick’s psychedelic-infused guitar solos, and Pedal Steel Pete’s 70’s inspired licks, this is a live band not ...   

    Location  Whiskey Creek Zócalo

  • Summer Solstice & Make Music day  ::  Arts & Music

    The Summer Solstice is a time of completion and celebration. It reminds us to turn inward and find the nourishment needed to grow and evolve! Let’s get together and weave our sounds with the intentions of Harmony, Acceptance, Unity, Joy, Compassion, Love and Appreciation ...   

    Location  Gough Park

    Contact  Beatriz Giraldo at

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Ross Cashiola & Ryan Sambol  ::  Arts & Music

    Ross Cashiola is a songwriter living in Marfa, Texas. He is the front man for the band Hotel Brotherhoo. Untraditional folk, western folk and roll, and country grunge are indicative of the songwriting tone and musicality of this expressively themed music. ...   

    Location  Whiskey Creek Zócalo

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Songwriter’s Showcase   ::  Arts & Music

    Last Thursday of the Month. Limited spots. Must Sign Up in Person. Come showcase songs you’ve been working on. Full news release:    

    Location  Whiskey Creek Zócalo

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Garrett T. Capps & NASA Country and More  ::  Arts & Music

    Multiple Bands on Tour! Americana with a wicked twist, Garrett T. Capps sings with a traditional country inflection about topics like spiritual visitations and social unrest. With his wide array of influences, ranging from Tex-Mex to psychedelia, Capps fits comfortably into ...   

    Location  Whiskey Creek Zócalo

July, 2024
  • 2024 Clay Market  ::  Arts & Music

    The Clay Market is an integral part of Silver City’s annual Clay Festival. This two day market will include local and visiting Southwest clay artists selling a variety of functional and sculptural work. This year’s market will be held in ...   

  • 2024 Clay Market  ::  Arts & Music

    The Clay Market is an integral part of Silver City’s annual Clay Festival. This two day market will include local and visiting Southwest clay artists selling a variety of functional and sculptural work. This year’s market will be held in ...   

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