By Lynn Janes

The town of Hurley held a regular meeting February 14, 2023, beginning with the roll call and the Pledge of Allegiance. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ed Stevens, Mayor pro tem Richard Maynes (arrived shortly after roll call), and councilors Nanette Day, Reynaldo Maynes and Keana Huerta.

The council approved the agenda.

Public input none currently

The council approved the consent agenda. It included minutes from the January 10, 2023, meeting, maintenance department report, clerks report, fire department report, animal control report, code enforcement report, judges report and police report.

Stevens gave a brief report sent in by the maintenance department.

Lori Ortiz, city clerk, said she and Darlene McBride had gone to Grant County Days in Santa Fe and had been able to do a presentation for funding. Ortiz said they had applied for a Quality Of Life grant and received $278,000 and would be getting it soon.

Fire Chief Jay Madrid gave the council a brief report.

Larry Montoya, animal control officer, gave the council a brief report.

Code enforcement gave a brief report and asked that the council consider having the animal control officer be put on full time. They had received complaints from the residents that it needed to be a full-time position. Stevens said they would look into it and see if it could be done. Ortiz said she would have information on it for the next meeting.

Police Chief Steven Gallegos gave a brief report to the council.

The judge had not been present to give a report so Stevens read over it briefly.

The council approved the JPA (joint powers agreement for the Grant County Water Commission after a presentation given by Priscilla Lucero, executive director of the Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments. Lucero had not been able to attend because of being at the legislature but joined by phone. Stevens said the regional water commission had been started a long time ago but because of Hurley not having adequate water it had been dropped. Last year Freeport McMoRan came forward and donated to Hurley 200 acre-feet of water rights and easements for the wells. Lucero had been able to join and gave the council a brief history. In 2006 they had formed the regional water commission. In 2012 they had applied for funding to do the engineering. Many events took place, and the project could not move forward. In 2022 that changed with Freeport coming in and making two agreements to provide water rights to Santa Clara (250 acre feet) and Hurley (200 acre feet). They could then secure funding. Currently the state had a lot of money available for these types of projects. Lucero wanted to stress that no municipality would lose ownership of the water rights or systems. This would only be for the regional water lines. The lines would be going to Hurley, Bayard, Santa Clara, Tyrone, Silver City, Hanover, and Vanadium. It will be for all the communities. Lucero asked if anyone had any questions on the JPA.

Richard Maynes asked about the timeline of the project. Lucero said she thought they could get started March 8, 2023. Stevens asked about the appointees to the commission. Lucero said they needed a primary and secondary. They said that would be Stevens for primary and Ortiz for secondary.

The council approved resolution No. 12-2022/2023. This would support the application to the New Mexico Finance Authority for the Colonias Infrastructure Fund. George Esqueda with Stantec joined the meeting by phone. The application will be due March 8, 2023, and would convert the third exploratory well to a production well and tie it into the system. The well drilled down to 260 feet and currently gets 65 gallons per minute. This would also re-equip well three and four to get 40 gallons a minute. He went over the grants and loans available.

The council approved resolution No. 13-2022/2023. This approved the participation in the transportation project fund. Esqueda told them this would be a 95 percent grant with a 5 percent match but would have the option to request a match waiver that in the past they had been able to get. Stevens said this would finish all the streets.

The council approved the certification for placement of a manufactured home for Raquel Apodaca at 106 C Street. All codes had been met.

The council approved moving forward with the proposed changes to ordinance 11-1 for animal control. The proposed change would allow for chickens and rabbits. The council had a discussion with animal control and the police chief concerning the matter. They meet, and set up a public meeting. They also talked about a possible work session February 28, 2023, on the proposed changes.

The council approved the purchase order for Lackey's Welding to purchase locking mechanisms for all the water meters. It will provide security for the water meters.

The council approved the purchase order for TP Pump to purchase check valves on the water tanks.

The council approved the completion of probation for Police Officer Cornel Stemley.

The council approved the wage increase for employees. Ortiz had done an analysis and it would cost Hurley an extra $29,000 to do. She said, "The budget had been going well and solid waste is in the positive." It will mean a $1 raise to everyone across the board.

Mayor and councilors reports.

Richard Maynes none currently.

Day none currently.

Huerta said she had attended Grant County Days in Santa Fe for the legislature. She commented on how much she enjoyed it. Ortiz said she had sung the national anthem on the senate floor.

Reynaldo Maynes said he hoped to see the field get rehabilitated. Stevens said maintenance would be doing that. They talked about using Cobre field if need be. Stevens said he would contact Cobre and arrange it. Ortiz said she would talk with maintenance and see what they could do and what they had in the budget. Reynaldo Maynes also wanted to see about some kind of dedication for Judge David Ramos who had given 47 years of service. Stevens told everyone to give that some thought and they would see what they could do.

Stevens said he had gone to Santa Fe and met with regional water people. He wanted to compliment the staff that went. "They represented us well and made us proud."

Next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 5:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned.

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